N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1003.06

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wq 1003.06 - Information Required for Subdivision Applications

Each applicant seeking approval under RSA 485-A:29, I, for a proposed subdivision shall submit the following on or with the application form obtained from the department:

(a) Information about the applicant, applicant's agent, and property owner, as follows:
(1) The name and mailing address of the applicant and, if the applicant is submitting the application directly and not through an agent, the applicant's daytime telephone number and e-mail address, if available;
(2) The name, mailing address, daytime telephone number, email address if available, and NHDES designer number or surveyor number as applicable, of the applicant's agent; and
(3) If the applicant is not the current property owner, the name and mailing address of the owner of the property that is proposed to be subdivided (subject property) and an explanation of the applicant's legal interest in the subject property, such as having signed a purchase and sale agreement with the property owner to acquire the subject property;
(b) Information about the subject property, as follows:
(1) The street address, including municipality and zip code;
(2) The tax map number(s), block number(s) if any, and lot number(s);
(3) The proposed subdivision name and proposed number of new lots; and
(4) The proposed lot numbers;
(c) The proposed type of water supply to be used in the subdivision, whether one or more private wells or a public water system, and:
(1) If an existing public water system, the name of the system;
(2) If a proposed public water system, the proposed name of the system and the date the application required by RSA 485 was filed; or
(3) If one or more private wells, then for each well:
a. Whether the well is on or off the lot served by the well, provided that if the well is not on the lot served then a copy of the recorded easement or deeded water rights shall be submitted with the application; and
b. If the well is on the lot served by the well but the well radius extends off the lot, then:
1. Whether the well radius is on property that is precluded from development and the reason for the preclusion; or
2. Whether the well radius is on a recorded easement, in which case a copy of the recorded easement shall be submitted with the application;
(d) The type of proposed development of the subject property, for example residential, commercial, or industrial, and:
(1) If residential, whether single-family, duplex, apartment building(s), condominium(s), manufactured housing park, or some combination thereof;
(2) If commercial, whether any lots are for camping and whether a public food establishment is planned; and
(3) Whether any lots are to be designated as unbuildable;
(e) The proposed flow per lot, in gallons per day (GPD), and a description of the flows if the uses are not the same on all lots;
(f) Whether any portion of the subject property is within 250 feet of the reference line of a waterbody protected under RSA 483, the Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act and, if so, whether the protected waterbody is a lake or pond, tidal area, or river or stream and the name of the waterbody;
(g) Whether other department permits or registrations, hereinafter called "approvals", are required for the proposed subdivision, including but not limited to approvals for ISDS, alteration of terrain under RSA 485-A:17, groundwater discharge under Env-Wq 402, wetlands dredge and fill or construction under RSA 482-A, or shoreland activities under RSA 483-B, and if so:
(1) Whether the application is pending or the approval has been obtained; and
(2) If the approval has been obtained:
a. The approval number, if any; or
b. If there is no approval number, the date the approval was issued;
(h) A statement signed by the applicant or the applicant's agent certifying that the plan conforms to all applicable local zoning ordinances and regulations; and
(i) One or more plan sheets containing the information specified in Env-Wq 1003.07.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1003.06

(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Wq 1000) #9086, eff 2-9-08; amd by #9904-B, eff 4-16-11

Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 41, Filed October 13, 2016, Proposed by #11184, Effective 10/1/2016, Expires 10/1/2026.