N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-Wq, ch. Env-Wq 1000, app C

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Appendix C - Statutory Definitions

RSA 485-A:2:

I. "Developed waterfront" property means any parcel of land upon which stands a structure suitable for either seasonal or year-round human occupancy, where such parcel of land is contiguous to or within 200 feet of the reference line, as defined in RSA 483-B:4, XVII, of:

(a) A fresh water body, as defined in RSA 483-B:4, XVI(a);

(b) Coastal waters, as defined in RSA 483-B:4, XVI(b); or

(c) A river, as defined in RSA 483-B:4, XVI(c).

I-c. "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the department of environmental services.

II. "Development plan" means the final map, drawing, plat or chart on which the subdivider presents his plan of subdivision to the department of environmental services for approval of planned or proposed sewage or waste disposal systems.

III. "Department" means the department of environmental services.

III-a. "Encroachment waiver" means any waiver of the rules adopted in accordance with this chapter which, if granted, would affect the ability of an owner of abutting property to fully utilize his property.

IV. "Failure" means the condition produced when a subsurface sewage or waste disposal system does not properly contain or treat sewage or causes the discharge of sewage on the ground surface or directly into surface waters, or the effluent disposal area is located in the seasonal high groundwater table.

VII. "Lot" means a part of a subdivision or a parcel of land which can be used as a building site or intended to be used for building purposes, whether immediate or future.

VIII. "Other wastes" means garbage, municipal refuse, decayed wood, sawdust, shavings, bark, lime, ashes, offal, oil, tar, chemicals and other substances other than sewage or industrial wastes, and any other substance harmful to human, animal, fish or aquatic life.

IX. "Person" means any municipality, governmental subdivision, public or private corporation, individual, partnership, or other entity.

X. "Sewage" means the water-carried waste products from buildings, public or private, together with such groundwater infiltration and surface water as may be present.

XI. "Sewage disposal system" means any private sewage disposal or treatment system, other than a municipally owned and operated system.

XII. "Subdivider" means the legal owner or his authorized agent of a tract or parcel of land being subdivided.

XIII. "Subdivision" means the division of a tract or parcel of land into 2 or more lots, tracts, or parcels for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale, rent, lease, building development, or any other reason; provided, however, that sale or other conveyance which involves merely an exchange of land among 2 or more owners and which does not increase the number of owners, and on which no sewage disposal system is to be constructed shall not be deemed a subdivision for the purposes of this chapter. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, subdivision shall include re-subdivision, and, in the case of a lot, tract or parcel previously rented or leased, the sale, condominium conveyance, or other conveyance thereof; provided however that a re-subdivision of lots in previously approved subdivisions, where lot lines are relocated to conform to necessary changes in the plans because of errors in a survey or new street, access or siting requirements, or errors in building locations, and where the lot sizes are not substantially altered shall not be deemed a subdivision for the purposes of this chapter; and provided further that a re-subdivision in which previously approved lots are grouped together to form larger lots shall not be deemed a subdivision for the purposes of this chapter. The division of a parcel of land held in common and subsequently divided into parts among the several owners shall be deemed a subdivision under this chapter.

XIV. "Surface waters of the state" means perennial and seasonal streams, lakes, ponds, and tidal waters within the jurisdiction of the state, including all streams, lakes, or ponds bordering on the state, marshes, water courses, and other bodies of water, natural or artificial.

XV. "Tract or parcel of land" means an area of land, whether surveyed or not surveyed.

XX. "Bedroom" means a room furnished with a bed and intended primarily for sleeping, unless otherwise specified by local regulations.

XXI. "Innovative/alternative waste treatment" means treatment which differs from standardized and conventional practice, offers an advantage over such practice in a proposed application and satisfies the pollution abatement and treatment requirements for sewerage and sewage or waste treatment systems in such application.

RSA 485:1-a:

XV. "Public water system" means a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, if such system has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year. Such term includes (1) any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under control of the operator of such system and used primarily in connection with such system, and (2) any collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with such system. Any water system which meets all of the following conditions is not a public water system:

(a) Consists only of distribution and storage facilities (and does not have any collection and treatment facilities);

(b) Obtains all of its water from, but is not owned or operated by, a public water system; and

(c) Does not sell water to any person.

XVI. "Supplier of water" means any person who controls, owns or generally manages a public water system.

RSA 483-B:4:

XI. "Natural woodland buffer" means a forested area consisting of various species of trees, saplings, shrubs, and ground covers in any combination and at any stage of growth.

XIII. "Primary building line" means a setback for primary structures of 50 feet from the reference line.

XV. "Protected shoreland" means, for natural, fresh water bodies without artificial impoundments, for artificially impounded fresh water bodies, except private garden water features and ponds of less than 10 acres, and for coastal waters and rivers, all land located within 250 feet of the reference line of public waters.

XVII. "Reference line" means:

(a) For all lakes, ponds, and artificial impoundments greater than 10 acres in size, the surface elevation as listed in the Consolidated List of Water Bodies subject to the shoreland water quality protection act as maintained by the department.

(b) For coastal waters, the highest observable tide line, which means a line defining the furthest landward limit of tidal flow, not including storm events, which can be recognized by indicators such as the presence of a strand line of flotsam and debris, the landward margin of salt tolerant vegetation, or a physical barrier that blocks further flow of the tide.

(c) For rivers, the ordinary high water mark.

RSA 482-A:2:

X. "Wetlands" means an area that is inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal conditions does support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.

RSA 205-A:1:

I. "Manufactured housing" includes, but is not limited to, manufactured housing as defined by RSA 674:31, and also includes any prefabricated dwelling unit which:

(a) Is designed for long term and continuous residential occupancy;

(b) Is designed to be moved on wheels, as a whole or in sections; and

(c) On arrival on the site, is complete and ready for occupancy, except for incidental unpacking, assembly, connection with utilities, and placing on support or permanent structure.

Nothing herein shall be construed to include campers or recreational vehicles within the definition of "manufactured housing''.

II. "Manufactured housing park" means any parcel of land under single or common ownership or control which contains, or is designed, laid out or adapted to accommodate 2 or more manufactured houses. Nothing herein shall be construed to apply to premises used solely for storage or display of manufactured housing.

RSA 216-I:1:

VII. "Recreational campground or camping park" means a parcel of land on which 2 or more campsites are occupied or are intended for temporary occupancy for recreational dwelling purposes only, and not for permanent year-round residency, excluding recreation camps as defined in RSA 485-A:23.

N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-Wq, ch. Env-Wq 1000, app C