N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Sw 806.08

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Sw 806.08 - Inspections, Maintenance, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements
(a) This section establishes requirements, in addition to those requirements specified in Env-Sw 1000 and Env-Sw 1100, for inspecting, maintaining and monitoring landfills which have not undergone closure pursuant to an approved closure plan, and specifies the reporting requirements related thereto.
(b) Unless otherwise specified, the word "daily" as used in this section shall mean on each operating day.
(c) The permittee shall regularly inspect and maintain all facility components, including:
(1) Roads;
(2) Berms;
(3) Active and inactive filling areas;
(4) Pipes;
(5) Vaults;
(6) Valves;
(7) Tanks;
(8) Ponds;
(9) Equipment;
(10) Temporary, intermediate and final cover;
(11) Groundwater monitoring wells; and
(12) Gas management devices.
(d) Leachate management systems shall be monitored, and the data recorded in the facility operating records, as follows:
(1) The hydraulic head elevation on the liner shall be measured at the low point of a cell, phase or stage where leachate is collected, and recorded:
a.At least once per month;
b.After each storm event greater than or equal to the 2-year/24-hour storm; and
c.If the hydraulic head is found to be 12 inches or greater, daily until the hydraulic head is less than 12 inches;
(2) The quantity of leachate collected off the liner systems and transported off-site or treated shall be measured daily, and the destination recorded;
(3) Flow in the secondary leachate collection system(s), shall be measured and recorded:
a.At least once per week; and
b.More frequently when required to complete an investigation pursuant to (k) below;
(4) The average flow in the secondary leachate collection system(s) occurring during the 30-day operating period preceding the last measurement shall be calculated, recorded and, when required pursuant to (k) below, reported;
(5) Analytical characteristics, based on representative samples taken from the primary leachate collection system in April, July and November, shall be determined for the following parameters:
b Temperature;
c.Chemical oxygen demand (COD);
d Specific conductance;
k.Cadmium; and
l.Except for ash landfills, volatile organic compounds (VOCs); and
(6) The liquid level in the leachate storage tanks shall be measured on a daily basis at facilities not connected to a wastewater treatment facility and on a weekly basis at facilities connected to a wastewater treatment facility.
(e) Landfill gas concentrations shall be measured no less than quarterly and in accordance with Env-Sw 806.07.
(f) Groundwater and surface water quality monitoring systems shall be monitored and the data reported as required pursuant to RSA 485-A or RSA 485-C, as applicable.
(g) Facilities shall file quarterly and annual reports in accordance with Env-Sw 303, according to the following schedule:
(1) Quarterly reports shall be filed no later than 30 days following the end of the quarterly reporting period; and
(2) Annual reports shall be filed no later than March 31 of the year following the calendar year being reported.
(h) The quarterly report shall include:
(1) The name and permit number of the reporting facility;
(2) The data specified by (d) and (e) above, excluding leachate analytical data required by (d)(5);
(3) Quantity and type of waste received by the facility daily, in tons;
(4) Data units for each type of data reported;
(5) Reporting period or dates the data was collected, for each type of data reported; and
(6) Monthly and quarterly subtotals for each type of data reported.
(i) The leachate analytical data required pursuant to (d)(5), above, shall be filed in accordance with Env-Sw 303, no later than 30 days following receipt of analytical results.
(j) Annual reports shall:
(1) Be prepared as specified by Env-Sw 1105.13 and Env-Sw 1105.14, as applicable; and
(2) Include:
a.A summary of the facility inspection and maintenance activities; and
b.An analysis of remaining capacity based on a site survey which identifies the remaining facility capacity.
(k) The following reporting requirements shall apply to the average secondary leachate collection system flow rates occurring over a 30-day period:
(1) Rates less than or equal to 25 gallons per tributary acre per day shall be reported to the department in accordance with (h) above no less than quarterly;
(2) Rates which exceed 25 gallons per tributary acre per day shall be reported to the department within one week of identifying the rate, except for flow which the department agrees is the result of the dewatering of the drainage layer following construction; and
(3) Except for flow which the department agrees is the result of the dewatering of the drainage layer following construction, rates which exceed 100 gallons per tributary acre per day shall require the permittee to file an investigation report with the department in accordance with Env-Sw 806.09.
(l) Destruction of facility records shall not occur unless approved by the department pursuant to the provisions for a type V permit modification in Env-Sw 315.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Sw 806.08

#5172, eff 7-1-91; ss by #6535, INTERIM, eff 7-1-97, EXPIRES: 10-29-97; ss by #6619-B, eff 10-29-97; ss by #8459, eff 10-28-05 (formerly Env-Wm 2506.08)

Amended byVolume XXXIV Number 24, Filed June 12, 2014, Proposed by #10597, Effective 7/1/2014, Expires7/1/2024.