N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Sw 806.05

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Sw 806.05 - Leachate Management Requirements
(a) Leachate generated at a lined landfill shall be managed either:
(1) By collecting and removing it from the liner system(s) to an approved treatment or disposal facility as described in (b) through (e), below; or
(2) Pursuant to an approval to use an innovative alternative leachate management system as described in (f) through (l), below.
(b) As part of a facility's operating plan, a leachate management plan shall be developed and implemented at all lined landfills, based on the following criteria:
(1) Routine facility operations, including operations during the 25-year storm event, shall not result in more than one foot of hydraulic head on the liner system(s);
(2) The quantity of leachate generated at the facility shall be limited to the extent possible, by properly planning the sequenced development of the facility, properly managing stormwater infiltration and inflow, minimizing the active area of the landfill and applying cover in accordance with Env-Sw 806.03;
(3) No less than 2 locations for leachate treatment or disposal shall be available by written agreement to manage the quantity of leachate generated by the facility during its active life, except as provided in (4) below;
(4) Facilities that are directly connected to permitted wastewater treatment facility need only to provide one location for leachate management, other than the treatment facility;
(5) The recirculation of leachate shall be prohibited at ash monofills;
(6) At MSW landfills, leachate recirculation shall be allowed if approved by the department subject to (7) below, as part of the facility's operating plan prepared pursuant to Env-Sw 1105; and
(7) The practice of leachate recirculation shall:
a.Not adversely affect the quality of the leachate so as to preclude its acceptance at waste water treatment facilities listed in the leachate management plan;
b.Not cause the facility to operate in excess of 12 inches of hydraulic head on the liner under routine operations including the 25-year storm event;
c.Not result in a loss of structural stability;
d.Not be adversely affected by weather conditions, such as freezing temperatures or periods of heavy rainfall; and
e.Provide a benefit to facility operations, exclusive of any short or long-term economic benefit which may be associated with postponing leachate collection and removal.
(c) Storage capacity shall be required to contain the leachate generated by the precipitation from the 100-year storm event in accordance with Env-Sw 805.06.
(d) A pumping and removal schedule shall be incorporated into facility operations to assure the availability of storage capacity.
(e) Regularly-scheduled inspections and routine maintenance of the leachate collection and removal systems shall be established as part of the facility's operating plan to limit clogging of the systems and to otherwise assure the functional integrity of the systems.
(f) The permittee of a landfill having a leachate collection system designed and constructed to maintain less than a 30-cm depth of leachate on the liner may apply for approval to use innovative alternative leachate management methods which vary from the requirements of (a) through (e), above, and the run-on control systems in 40 CFR 258.26(a)(1), July 1, 2009, or the liquids restrictions in 40 CFR 258.28(a), July 1, 2009, or both.
(g) Prior to implementing any innovative alternative leachate management method, the permittee shall apply for a type I-B permit modification as specified in Env-Sw 315.05.
(h) The department shall not approve an application for an innovative alternative leachate management method unless the permittee demonstrates that the innovative alternative method will not cause contamination of groundwater or surface water, or cause leachate depth on the liner to exceed 30 cm.
(i) Any permit modification issued pursuant to (h), above, shall include such terms and conditions as are necessary to ensure that the innovative alternative leachate management method is at least as protective as the leachate management methods otherwise required by (a) through (e), above, including but not limited to conditions relating to monitoring and testing the efficacy and performance capabilities of the innovative alternative technology or process and reporting on the efficacy and performance capabilities of the innovative alternative method.
(j) A permit modification issued pursuant to (h), above, shall be valid for 3 years, subject to the following:
(1) The permittee shall maintain compliance with all terms and conditions of the permit, the Solid Waste Rules, and 40 CFR 258.4, July 1, 2009;
(2) If such compliance is not maintained, the permit modification shall be terminated or other corrective measures shall be ordered, in accordance with 40 CFR 258.4(d), July 1, 2009;
(3) If the permittee wishes to continue using the innovative alternative method beyond the term of the permit modification, the permittee shall apply for renewal at least 90 days prior to the expiration of the modification by submitting a written renewal application and a report, including supporting data, which documents the efficacy and performance capabilities of the innovative alternative method; and
(4) The department shall renew the modification to allow continued use of the innovative alternative method if:
a.The permittee demonstrates that the innovative alternative method is effective in preventing contamination of groundwater or surface water and that leachate depth on the liner has not exceeded 30 cm; and
b.The permittee is in compliance with all terms and conditions of the permit, the Solid Waste Rules, and 40 CFR 258.4, July 1, 2009.
(k) A renewal under (j), above, shall be valid for 3 years, provided however that the total term for an innovative alternative method including renewals shall not exceed 12 years.
(l) The limitations in 40 CFR 258.4(f), July 1, 2009, relative to small MSWLF units shall apply.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Sw 806.05

#5172, eff 7-1-91; ss by #6535, INTERIM, eff 7-1-97, EXPIRES: 10-29-97; ss by #6619-B, eff 10-29-97; (See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Sw 800) ss by #8459, eff 10-28-05 (formerly Env-Wm 2506.05); amd by #9695, eff 4-22-10

Amended byVolume XXXIV Number 24, Filed June 12, 2014, Proposed by #10597, Effective 7/1/2014, Expires7/1/2024.