N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Sw 805.16

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Sw 805.16 - Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Standards for Liner and Capping Systems
(a) Liners and capping systems shall be tested and placed in strict accordance with a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) plan developed in accordance with this part and approved by the department as part of the construction contract documents provided pursuant to the provisions for a type II permit modification in Env-Sw 315.
(b) The QA/QC plan for the soil components within a leachate collection system and within a leak detection system, and the soil drainage and gas migration layers within a capping system shall, at a minimum, specify criteria for acceptance based on the following tests:
(1) Grain size distribution pursuant to ASTM D422-63 (2007) for:
a.Every 3,000 cubic yards of unprocessed sand; or
b.Every 10,000 cubic yards of sand which has been processed to meet the project specifications;
(2) Hydraulic conductivity pursuant to ASTM D2434-68 (2006) for each new source of sand material except for the gas migration layer(s); and
(3) Calcium carbonate content pursuant to ASTM D4373-02(2007) for each new source of sand material except for the gas migration layer.
(c) The QA/QC plan for soil liners and caps shall, at a minimum, specify:
(1) Compaction test method pursuant to ASTM D698-12 or ASTM D1557-12 and testing frequency for liner or cap material;
(2) Permeability test method pursuant to ASTM D5084-10 and testing frequency for liner or cap material;
(3) In place sampling method pursuant to ASTM D1587-08(2012)e1 and permeability testing frequency of the constructed liner or cap;
(4) Criteria for acceptance of liner or cap; and
(5) Provisions for correcting the installation of off-specification materials.
(d) Geomembranes used as materials for the capping and lining of a landfill shall be manufactured, handled, deployed, seamed and inspected in accordance with a QA/QC plan as follows:
(1) The QA/QC plan shall require:
a.The project engineer pursuant to Env-Sw 1104.06 or his/her designee to verify the quality of the geomembrane material and all phases of geomembrane construction; and
b.The project engineer or his/her designee to be present on site at all times during handling, deployment, seaming, testing and covering of any geomembrane liner or cap and have the authority to order testing and to reject any materials or constructed systems which might affect the liner's or cap's performance for any reason;
(2) The QA/QC plan shall:
a.State clearly the minimum qualifications of the project engineer and his/her designee, if any;
b.Outline the specific duties of the project engineer or his/her designee with respect to the QA/QC plan; and
c.Require the project engineer to provide QA reports as specified in Env-Sw 1104.04;
(3) The QA/QC plan shall contain manufacturer's quality assurance requirements to assure that geomembranes used for landfill liners or caps shall be of a consistent quality and meet the project specifications;
(4) The QA/QC plan, at a minimum, shall:
a.State the type of geomembrane and the minimum requirements of raw material quality and formulation; and
b.Identify the minimum acceptance standards for manufactured geomembrane sheets, including overall sheet quality, a list of acceptable index properties and quality of factory seams;
(5) The QA/QC plan shall reference the appropriate standard tests, such as ASTM or Geosynthetics Research Institute (GRI), to verify that the requirements cited in (4) above have been met;
(6) To assure that geomembrane material shall not be damaged from the time it leaves the factory to the time it is finally covered, the QA/QC plan shall address the following:
a.Requirements for shipping, handling and site storage to assure that the material shall be protected from damage and sunlight;
b.Minimum quality standards for the subgrade upon which the geomembrane will rest;
c.Provisions for the project engineer or his/her designee to inspect the subgrade prior to placement of any geomembrane and, pursuant to Env-Sw 1104.04, certify that the subgrade has been installed in accordance with contract documents;
d.Standards for the placement of geomembrane material which address, at a minimum, placement methods, unfavorable weather conditions, excessive heat or cold, and wind; and
e.The upper limit on the amount of patching any geomembrane panel can receive;
(7) The QA/QC plan shall contain minimum requirements for seam quality and specific remedies for when the minimum requirements are not met;
(8) The QA/QC plan, at a minimum, shall:
a.Verify the competence of seaming and welding equipment and personnel prior to seaming and welding;
b.State the frequency at which testing shall occur and the testing protocol to be met;
c.Require the project engineer or his/her designee to have authority to reject any equipment or personnel not passing the tests specified by the QA/QC plan;
d.Specify testing for seam strength at a specified interval and criteria for pass/fail; and
e.Specify testing for seam continuity;
(9) The QA/QC plan shall reference the appropriate standard tests, such as ASTM or GRI, to verify that the requirements cited in (8) above have been met;
(10) The QA/QC plan shall contain provisions for protecting the geomembrane during covering and backfilling; and
(11) The QA/QC plan shall be:
a.Part of the specifications for the contract documents prepared and submitted to the department for construction approval, pursuant to Env-Sw 1104 and the provisions for a type II permit modification in Env-Sw 315; and
b.Be approved by the department as a condition of any construction approval granted.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Sw 805.16

#5172, eff 7-1-91; ss by #6535, INTERIM, eff 7-1-97, EXPIRES: 10-29-97; ss by #6619-B, eff 10-29-97; (See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Sw 800) ss by #8459, eff 10-28-05 (formerly Env-Wm 2505.16 )

Amended byVolume XXXIV Number 24, Filed June 12, 2014, Proposed by #10597, Effective 7/1/2014, Expires7/1/2024.