Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Sw 2105.17 - Additional Reporting Requirements for Major Projects(a) During a major project taking longer than 2 weeks to complete, the qualified ADS contractor and owner or, in the case of a utility/transportation project, the qualified ADS contractor and the utility company or public authority, shall submit the following in writing to the department and the local health officer no later than the close of business on the second business day following the end of the reporting week: (1) Weekly progress reports; and(2) Notice of any schedule adjustments for the balance of the project.(b) Within 60 days after a major project is completed, the qualified ADS contractor and owner or, in the case of a utility/transportation project, the qualified ADS contractor and the utility company or public authority, shall sign and submit a written project completion report to the department and the local health officer.(c) The signature provided pursuant to (b), above, shall:(1) Constitute certification that:a. The signer has been duly authorized to sign the project completion report; andb. The information provided in the report is true, complete, and not misleading to the best of the signer's knowledge and belief; and(2) Subject the signer to penalties for falsification in official matters, currently in RSA 641.(d) The report required by (b), above, shall include: (1) The name, mailing address, email address, and daytime telephone number including area code of: a. The owner or in the case of a utility/transportation project, the utility or public authority;b. The qualified ADS contractor, and if the contractor is licensed under RSA 141-E:10, the relevant ADS contractor identification information; andc. The qualified individual who was in charge of the work, and the individual's ADS worker identification information;(2) The location of the project site;(3) The date the project commenced and the date it was completed;(4) A brief narrative description of the work undertaken, including a description and explanation of any deviation from the applicable approved work plan and any unexpected events;(5) For any asbestos removed from the site, a copy of the waste shipment records pursuant to 40 CFR 61 and 49 CFR 171 - 172, as applicable;(6) A brief narrative description of site conditions following completion;(7) As-built drawings of the completed work that conform to Env-Sw 2105.16(c);(8) A summary of the air monitoring results obtained pursuant to Env-Sw 2105.13;(9) A copy of the site clearance determination pursuant to Env-Sw 2105.15; and(10) A statement, signed and dated by the qualified ADS contractor as specified in (e), below, certifying that: a. The information submitted in the report is correct and complete;b. The required work was completed in conformance with the approved work plan, except as noted pursuant to (b)(4), above, and the requirements of this chapter; andc. In order to facilitate compliance with RSA 141-E:23, I(d), either: 1. The owner has been provided a copy of the project completion report and has access to the air monitoring laboratory results and related data that is the basis of the summary provided pursuant to (8), above; or2. In the case of a utility/transportation project, the owner has been notified that a copy of the project completion report and the air monitoring laboratory results and related data that is the basis of the summary provided pursuant to (8), above, is available from the utility company or public authority, by request as needed to comply with Env-Sw 2104.08(c).(e) The person signing the report pursuant to (d)(10), above, shall be as follows: (1) If the qualified ADS contractor is an individual or sole proprietorship, that individual shall sign and date the report; and(2) If the qualified ADS contractor is other than an individual or sole proprietorship, the individual who has been authorized by the qualified ADS contractor to sign the report on behalf of the qualified ADS contractor shall sign and date the report.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Sw 2105.17
#7647, eff 2-16-02 (See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Sw 2100) (formerly Env-Wm 3905.17); ss by #9645, eff 2-16-10
Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 37, Filed September 13, 2018, Proposed by #12605, Effective 9/1/2018, Expires 9/1/2028.