N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Or 508.02

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Or 508.02 - Waiver Requests
(a) Each request for a waiver shall be filed in writing by the owner or operator who is seeking the waiver.
(b) The person requesting the waiver shall provide the following information to the department:
(1) The name, mailing address, and daytime telephone number including area code of the requestor and, if available, a fax number including area code and e-mail address of the requestor;
(2) As applicable, the name, physical address, and site number of the facility to which the waiver request relates, or the registration number of the cargo truck to which the waiver would apply;
(3) The specific rule section or paragraph that established the requirement for which a waiver is being requested;
(4) A full explanation of why a waiver is being requested, including an explanation of the operational and economic consequences of complying with the rule as written;
(5) Whether the need for the waiver is temporary, and if so, the estimated length of time that the waiver will be needed;
(6) If applicable, a full explanation of the alternative that is proposed to be substituted for the requirement established in the rule, including written documentation or data, or both, to support the alternative; and
(7) A full explanation of why the requestor believes that having the waiver granted will meet the criteria in Env-Or 508.03.
(c) The requestor shall sign and date the request.
(d) The signature shall constitute certification that:
(1) The information provided is true, complete, and not misleading to the knowledge and belief of the signer; and
(2) The signer understands that:
a. A waiver granted based on false, incomplete, or misleading information shall be subject to revocation; and
b. The signer is subject to penalties for falsification in official matters, currently in RSA 641.
(e) The department shall transmit a copy of each waiver request filed in compliance with (a) through (c), above, to EPA within 5 working days of its receipt.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Or 508.02

(See Revision Note #1 and Revision Note #2 at chapter heading for Env-Or 500) #10229, eff 11-17-12

Amended by Volume XLII Number 45, Filed November 10, 2022, Proposed by #13458, Effective 10/7/2022, Expires 10/7/2032.