N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 723.11

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Dw 723.11 - POE and POU Ongoing User Education
(a) Where POE or POU treatment is used, the system owner shall annually provide written educational materials to water users concerning the importance of using POE or POU treated water for drinking water consumption and food preparation.
(b) For community water systems, the system owner may include the educational materials required by (a), above, in the CCR required by Env-Dw 811.
(c) All new residents shall be given this educational notice within 15 days of the beginning of water service.
(d) The educational materials shall be worded as follows:

"Periodic Educational Notice

The (name of system) public water system has chosen to use (insert point-of-entry, point-of-use, or both, as applicable) treatment to reduce the concentration of (name of contaminant) in the water system serving (name of users).

(Insert applicable paragraph)

In point-of-entry (POE) treatment, a treatment device is installed to treat all of the water entering one particular building or service connection.

In point-of-use (POU) treatment, a small treatment device is installed on only one faucet in each unit served by the water system, rather than using a large central treatment process at the source of water. The POU treatment device typically is placed on the kitchen faucet. This type of treatment is an acceptable alternative to centralized treatment because there is no health concern relative to using untreated water for dish washing, personal hygiene, and other non-consumptive uses from other faucets in your home. The water at all other faucets in your home/office/building exceeds the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for (contaminant) and should not be used for consumption or used in any food preparation

The results for treated water within our public water system range from (lowest concentration) parts per million (ppm) to (highest concentration) ppm. (Number of violations) violations was/were documented in calendar year (year). For further information, please call (name of water system contact) at (telephone number)."

The following paragraph explains the potential adverse health effects for (contaminant). (Insert applicable health effects language found in Env-Dw 800)."

(d) Where POE or POU treatment devices are installed to treat fluoride in a community water system or a non-transient, non-community water system that serves children under the age of 9, the system owner shall distribute annual public notification for fluoride to the location where the exceedance occurred in accordance with Env-Dw 803.01 if any result is greater than the secondary MCL.
(e) Where POE or POU treatment devices are installed in a non-transient, non-community water system, all sinks where users may access water for drinking water or washing shall be posted to identify whether the water is potable or non-potable.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 723.11

Adopted byVolume XXXIV Number 24, Filed June 12, 2014, Proposed by #10618, Effective 6/1/2014, Expires6/1/2024.