N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-Dw, ch. Env-Dw 700, pt. Env-Dw 723, app B

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Appendix B - Federal Definitions

40 CFR §141.2 :

Compliance cycle means the nine-year calendar year cycle during which public water systems must monitor. Each compliance cycle consists of three three-year compliance periods. The first calendar year cycle begins January 1, 1993 and ends December 31, 2001; the second begins January 1, 2002 and ends December 31, 2010; the third begins January 1, 2011 and ends December 31, 2019.

Compliance period means a three-year calendar period within a compliance cycle. Each compliance cycle has three three-year compliance periods. Within the first compliance cycle, the first compliance period runs from January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1995; the second from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1998, the third from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2001.

Corrosion inhibitor means a substance capable of reducing the corrosivity of water toward metal plumbing materials, especially lead and copper, by forming a protective film on the interior surface of those materials.

Domestic or other non-distribution system plumbing problem means a coliform contamination problem in a public water system with more than one service connection that is limited to the specific service connection from which a coliform-positive sample was taken.

Dose equivalent means the product of the absorbed dose from ionizing radiation and such factors as account for differences in biological effectiveness due to the type of radiation and its distribution in the body as specified the International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements (ICRU).

Initial compliance period means the first full three-year compliance period which begins at least 18 months after promulgation, except for contaminants listed at §141.61(a)(19)-(21), (c) (19)-(33), and § 141.62(b)(11)-(15), initial compliance period means the first full three-year compliance period after promulgation for systems with 150 or more service connections (January 1993-December 1995), and first full three-year compliance period after the effective date of the regulation (January 1996-December 1998) for systems having fewer than 150 service connections.

Lead service line means a service line made of lead which connects the water main to the building inlet and any lead pigtail, gooseneck or other fitting which is connected to such lead line.

Level 1 assessment is an evaluation to identify the possible presence of sanitary defects, defects in distribution system coliform monitoring practices, and (when possible) the likely reason that the system triggered the assessment. It is conducted by the system operator or owner. Minimum elements include review and identification of atypical events that could affect distributed water quality or indicate that distributed water quality was impaired; changes in distribution system maintenance and operation that could affect distributed water quality (including water storage); source and treatment considerations that bear on distributed water quality, where appropriate (e.g. whether a ground water system is disinfected); existing water quality monitoring data; and inadequacies in sample sites, sampling protocol, and sample processing. The system must conduct the assessment consistent with any State directives that tailor specific assessment elements with respect to the size and type of the system and the size, type, and characteristics of the distribution system.

Level 2 assessment is an evaluation to identify the possible presence of sanitary defects, defects in distribution system coliform monitoring practices, and (when possible) the likely reason that the system triggered the assessment. A Level 2 assessment provides a more detailed examination of the system (including the system's monitoring and operational practices) than does a Level 1 assessment through the use of more comprehensive investigation and review of available information, additional internal and external resources, and other relevant practices. It is conducted by an individual approved by the State, which may include the system operator. Minimum elements include review and identification of atypical events that could affect distributed water quality or indicate that distributed water quality was impaired; changes in distribution system maintenance and operation that could affect distributed water quality (including water storage); source and treatment considerations that bear on distributed water quality, where appropriate (e.g., whether a ground water system is disinfected); existing water quality monitoring data; and inadequacies in sample sites, sampling protocol, and sample processing. The system must conduct the assessment consistent with any State directives that tailor specific assessment elements with respect to the size and type of the system and the size, type, and characteristics of the distribution system. The system must comply with any expedited actions or additional actions required by the State in the case of an E. coli MCL violation.

Man-made beta particle and photon emitters mean all radionuclides emitting beta particles and/or photons listed in Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concentration of Radionuclides in Air or Water for Occupational Exposure, NBS Handbook 69, except the daughter products of thorium-232, uranium-235 and uranium-238.

Near the first service connection means at one of the 20 percent of all service connections in the entire system that are nearest the water supply treatment facility, as measured by water transport time within the distribution system.

Point-of-entry treatment device" (POE) means a treatment device applied to the drinking water entering a house or building for the purpose of reducing contaminants in the drinking water distributed throughout the house or building.

Point-of-use treatment device (POU) means a treatment device applied to a single tap used for the purpose of reducing contaminants in drinking water at that one tap.

Repeat compliance period means any subsequent compliance period after the initial compliance period.

Residual disinfectant concentration ("C" in CT calculations) means the concentration of disinfectant measured in mg/l in a representative sample of water.

Too numerous to count means that the total number of bacterial colonies exceeds 200 on a 47-mm diameter membrane filter used for coliform detection.

40 CFR §141.91 Recordkeeping requirements:

"Any system subject to the requirements of this subpart shall retain on its premises original records of all sampling data and analyses, reports, surveys, letters, evaluations, schedules, State determinations, and any other information required by §§141.81 through 141.88. Each water system shall retain the records required by this section for no fewer than 12 years."

N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-Dw, ch. Env-Dw 700, pt. Env-Dw 723, app B