Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Dw 720.15 - Public Notification(a) The owner of a PWS at which a treatment technique violation as described in Env-Dw 720.14(a) or a reporting violation as described in Env-Dw 720.14(b) occurs shall provide standard public notice as specified in Env-Dw 801.08 for community water systems (CWS) or Env-Dw 801.11 for non-community water systems (NCS), as applicable.(b) The owner of a CWS at which a significant deficiency as specified in Env-Dw 720.03 has not been corrected within 12 months of being notified of the deficiency, shall: (1) Notify persons served by the system of the deficiency through the consumer confidence report (CCR) as specified in Env-Dw 811; and(2) Continue to report in the CCR annually until the deficiency has been corrected and confirmation of the correction has been received from the department.(c) The owner of an NCS at which a significant deficiency as specified in Env-Dw 720.03 has not been corrected within 12 months of being notified of the deficiency shall include the information specified in (d), below, in each notice provided on or after the 12-month period.(d) The notice required by (b) or (c), above, shall include the following information: (1) The nature of the significant deficiency and the date it was identified by the department; and(2) A description of the approved plan and schedule for correction of the significant deficiency, including interim measures, progress to date, and any interim measures completed.(e) The owner of a CWS at which a level I assessment or level II assessment was triggered shall notify persons served by the system of each assessment conducted pursuant to Env-Dw 720.07 and each corrective action taken or planned pursuant to approvals obtained under Env-Dw 720.11(e) or Env-Dw 720.12(c) in the CCR as specified in Env-Dw 811.(f) In a community where the population of non-English speaking residents exceeds 20% of the community population, the notice provided pursuant to this section shall contain: (1) Information in the appropriate language(s) regarding the importance of the notice; or(2) A telephone number or address, in the appropriate language, at which customers can contact the system to obtain a translated copy of the notice or assistance in the appropriate language.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 720.15
Derived From Volume XXXV Number 06, Filed February 12, 2015 , Proposed by #10771, Effective 2/1/2015, Expires2/1/2025.Amended by Volume XXXVII Number 50, Filed December 14, 2017, Proposed by #12420, Effective 11/18/2017, Expires 11/18/2027.