Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Dw 720.03 - Significant Deficiencies(a) Any of the following conditions shall constitute a significant deficiency for a PWS or a PORS, if applicable: (1) A potential contamination source that poses a risk to public health and that is not already subject to a monitoring or control plan is present in the sanitary protective area;(2) System records show that the source has inadequate capacity to meet current demands or that the system is otherwise unable to provide sufficient water to meet current demands;(3) A non-approved source is connected to the system, regardless of whether the source is in use;(4) Existing treatment facilities and processes are not operative;(5) Treatment has been installed or modified without prior approval from the department, and the installation or modification could adversely affect public health;(6) System has low or negative pressures that could result in entry of contaminants;(7) System lacks a cross-connection control program or cross-connection devices, if applicable;(8) System lacks backflow prevention device, if required;(9) System has an inoperative well pump;(10) System lacks an operative duplicate booster pump, if required;(11) System's pump house is subject to flooding;(12) System's hydraulics, pumping facilities, storage capacity, or distribution facilities have been modified in a way that could adversely affect public health;(13) System has electrical hazards in or around the pump house;(14) System does not have a certified operator even though one is required;(15) System's certified operator is below the required grade;(16) System's water storage tank is subject to contamination;(17) System does not have a schedule for performing regular system maintenance;(18) System has pumping facilities that are not secured or a well that is not protected from tampering;(19) System does not have a properly-operating meter or other means to measure flow for each incoming source, if required;(20) System does not have individual sampling taps or other means to obtain discrete samples for each source;(21) System is a community water system and does not have an emergency plan available for review when requested;(22) Required monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping are not being done as required;(23) System has any other violation(s) of applicable rules that pose(s) a significant risk to public health; and(24) The system does not have available for review by the department the record drawings or other distribution system plans required by the applicable provisions of Env-Dw 405.33(d), Env-Dw 406.26(c), and Env-Dw 504.08.(b) Any PWS using a groundwater source also shall be subject to the significant deficiencies identified in Env-Dw 717.20.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 720.03
(See Revision Note #3 at chapter heading for Env-Dw 700) #9760, eff 7-30-10
Amended by Volume XXXV Number 06, Filed February 12, 2015 , Proposed by #10771, Effective 2/1/2015, Expires2/1/2025.