Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Dw 709.10 - Increase to Monthly Monitoring for NCS Serving 1,000 Persons or Fewer(a) The owner of an NCS that serves 1,000 persons or fewer that is monitoring for total coliforms less frequently than monthly pursuant to Env-Dw 709.08 or Env-Dw 709.12 shall begin monthly bacteria monitoring if the NCS: (1) Has an E. coli MCL violation;(2) Experiences one level II assessment trigger or 2 level I assessments triggers in a rolling 12-month period;(3) Has a treatment technique violation as specified in Env-Dw 709.23 or Env-Dw 506.07;(4) Has 2 bacteria monitoring violations in a rolling 12-month period; or(5) Has one bacteria monitoring violation and experiences one level I assessment trigger in a rolling 12-month period.(b) If the department determines that any of the criteria listed in (a), above, has been met, the department shall notify the NCS owner in writing of its determination and that Env-Dw 709.10(a) requires the system to begin monitoring for total coliforms at the increased frequency.(c) The owner may request the department to allow the system to return to quarterly monitoring for total coliforms by submitting a written request that includes the following: (2) The PWS identifier of the NCS; and(3) The rationale for the reduction in monitoring, based on the criteria in (d), below.(d) The department shall authorize the system to return to quarterly sampling for total coliforms if the NCS has not been required to issue a boil order in accordance with Env-Dw 709.19 in the preceding 12 months, has a clean compliance history, and either: (1) A level II assessment has been conducted within the preceding 12 months by an individual who meets the qualifications specified in Env-Dw 720.12 and all identified sanitary defects have been corrected; or(2) The department has conducted a sanitary survey within the preceding 12 months and confirmed that the NCS: a. Is supplied solely by one or more protected water sources; andb. Is free of sanitary defects and significant deficiencies.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 709.10
(See Revision Note #1 at chapter heading for Env-Dw 700) #9700, eff 5-1-10
Amended by Volume XXXV Number 06, Filed February 12, 2015 , Proposed by #10771, Effective 2/1/2015, Expires2/1/2025.