N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 503.21

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Dw 503.21 - Emergency Plans for Community Water Systems
(a) The owner of a community water system shall prepare an emergency plan to address emergency situations including, but not limited to those listed in Env-Dw 503.02(a).
(b) The emergency plan shall include the following:
(1) A description of the roles and responsibilities for each individual involved during an emergency situation;
(2) A description of how the department, local officials, water system customers including any privately owned redistribution systems (PORS) or consecutive systems, and the general public will be notified of an emergency situation;
(3) A step-by-step description of how the system will implement an acute public notice, including a boil water order, do not drink notice, or do not use notice;
(4) The mailing address, emergency telephone number, and non-emergency telephone number of each of the following local officials and agencies:
a. The fire department;
b. The police department;
c. At least one ambulance service;
d. The health officer;
e. The water system's primary certified operator(s); and
f. The owner(s) of abutting water system(s);
(5) The emergency and non-emergency telephone numbers of the following state agencies:
a. The state police;
b. The department's drinking water and groundwater bureau;
c. The department of homeland security and emergency management; and
d. The department of health and human services, division of public health services;
(6) The names and emergency and non-emergency telephone numbers for local service and repair contractors that might be needed in an emergency, including but not limited to:
a. An electrician;
b. The electric utility;
c. A pump specialist;
d. An excavation contractor;
e. A state-accredited laboratory; and
f. Media such as radio station and newspaper;
(7) The name and emergency and non-emergency telephone numbers for each service customer with unique water supply needs, including but not limited to:
a. Hospitals;
b. Nursing homes;
c. Health rehabilitation centers;
d. Housing for older persons as described in RSA 354-A:15;
e. Fire department; and
f. Schools;
(8) A description of how the water supply needs of service customers specified in (7), above, will be met;
(9) A description of any existing mutual aid agreements or memberships;
(10) A brief list of the community water system's primary components, including but not limited to:
a. All active sources;
b. All operable inactive wells;
c. All source and distribution pump stations;
d. All water treatment facilities;
e. All storage tanks;
f. All drinking water chemicals; and
g. Primary and backup communications equipment;
(11) A description of the type of record drawings available and where the drawings are located;
(12) A description of the community water system that includes at least the following:
a. The total production capacity of each active and inactive well or surface water treatment plant;
b. The total storage capacity of the system;
c. The average and maximum daily demand of the system;
d. The system's ability to isolate sections of the distribution system; and
e. If applicable, a description, based on existing information, of the hydraulic interconnectivity of the system's sources and an estimate of the extent to which a contamination event would affect total production capacity;
(13) A description of the system's backup power capabilities, including but not limited to:
a. Whether there is a manual or automatic transfer switch;
b. Type and size of generator;
c. Which operations the generator supports;
d. Fuel type;
e. How long the generator is capable of operating; and
f. Testing and maintenance schedule of the generator;
(14) A description of alternate water sources or short-term measures the community water system could use during an emergency situation, including, but not limited to:
a. The use of bottled water;
b. Purchasing bulk water in accordance with Env-Dw 304;
c. Reactivating deactivated sources of water;
d. Interconnections with adjacent water supply systems;
e. Installation of water treatment; and
f. Imposing water use restrictions;
(15) A description of follow-up action and responsibility for returning to regular system operation; and
(16) For community water systems serving more than 1,000 persons that are located within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone as defined in 44 CFR 350.2 for either Seabrook Station or Vermont Yankee nuclear power plants, the emergency plan shall include the following:
a. A statement that the water system is located within the Emergency Planning Zone; and
b. A statement that the water system will follow the established procedures for responding to radiological emergencies.
(c) Community water systems created on or after December 1, 2005 shall submit an emergency plan to the department as part of the final approval to operate process per Env-Ws 372.06 or successor rule in subtitle Env-Dw.
(d) The water system owner and primary operator shall sign and date the emergency plan prior to submittal to the department.
(e) The water system owner and primary operator shall:
(1) Annually review the emergency plan; and
(2) Update the plan as necessary to reflect current information.
(f) The system owner shall file the most recent emergency plan with the department at least once every 6 years.
(g) The emergency plan shall be available for review during each scheduled sanitary survey, as required by Env-Dw 720.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 503.21

(See Revision Note at part heading for Env-Dw 503) #10465, eff 12-2-13