N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 407.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Dw 407.01 - Standards of the American Water Works Association
(a) The quality, materials and workmanship standards specified in table 407-1, available as noted in Appendix B, shall apply to all public water systems relative to construction, operation, and maintenance activities regulated by Env-Dw 300 and Env-Dw 401 through Env-Dw 406:

Table 407-1

Standards of the American Water Works Association

STANDARD CATEGORY Subcategory (if any)NumberEditionTitle of Standard
A100 1997 Water Wells
B100 2001 Filtering Material
B101-01 2001 Precoat Filter Media
B102-04 2004 Manganese Greensand for Filters
B200 2003 Sodium Chloride
B201 2003 Soda Ash
B202 2002 Quicklime and Hydrated Lime
Disinfection Chemicals
B300 2004 Hypochlorites
B301 2004 Liquid Chlorine
B302 2000 Ammonium Sulfate
B303 2000 Sodium Chlorite
B402 2000 Ferrous Sulfate
B403 2003 Aluminum Sulfate-Liquid Ground, or Lump
B404 2003 Liquid Sodium Silicate
B405 2000 Sodium Aluminate
B406 1997 Ferric Sulfate
B407 1998 Liquid Ferric Chloride
B408 2003 Liquid Polyaluminum Chloride
B451 2004 Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride)
B452 1998 EPI-DMA Polyamines
B453 2001 Polyacrylamide
Scale and Corrosion Control
B501 2003 Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide)
B502 2001 Sodium Polyphosphate, Glassy (Sodium Hexametaphosphate)
B503 2001 Sodium Tripolyphosphate
B504 2001 Monosodium Phosphate, Anhydrous
B505 2001 Disodium Phosphate, Anhydrous
B510 2000 Carbon Dioxide
B511 2000 Potassium Hydroxide
B512 2002 Sulfur Dioxide
B550 2000 Calcium Chloride
Taste and Odor Control
B600 1996 Powdered Activated Carbon
B601 2000 Sodium Metabisulfite (Sodium Pyrosulfite)
B602 2002 Copper Sulfate
B603 2003 Potassium Permanganate
B604 1996 Granular Activated Carbon
B605 1999 Reactivation of Granulated Activated Carbon
B701 1999 Sodium Fluoride
B702 1999 Sodium Silicofluoride
B703 2000 Hydrofluosilicic Acid
C104/A21.4 2003 American National Standard for Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water
C105/A21.5 1999 American National Standard for Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron Piping for Water and Other Liquids
C110/A21.10 2003 American National Standard for Ductile-Iron and Gray-iron Fittings, 3 in. through 48 in., for Water and Other Liquids
C111/A21.11 2000 American National Standard for Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings
C115/A21.15 1999 American National Standard for Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe With Threaded Flanges
C116/A21.16 2003 American National Standard for Protective Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings Int.& Ext. Iron/Gray-Iron Fittings
C150/A21.50 2002 American National Standard for the Thickness Design of Ductile-Iron Pipe
C151/A21.51 2002 American National Standard for Ductile-Iron Pipe centrifugal Cast for Water or Other Liquids
C153/A21.53 2000 American National Standard for Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings, 2 in. through 16 in., for Water and Other Liquids
Steel Pipe
C200 1997 Steel Water Pipe 6 in. and Larger
C203 2002 Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipelines- Enamel and Tape-Hot Applied
C205 2000 Cement Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe-4in. and Larger-Shop Applied
C206 1997 Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe
C207 2001 Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service-Sizes 4 in. through 144 in.
C208 2001 Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings
C209 2000 Cold-Applied Tape Coatings for the Exterior of Special Sections, Connections, and Fittings for Steel Water Pipelines
C210 2003 Liquid Epoxy Coating Systems for the Interior of Steel Water Pipelines
C213 2001 Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines
C214 2000 Tape Coating Systems for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines (Includes addendum C214a-91)
C215 2004 Extruded Polyolefin Coatings for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines
C216 2000 Heat-Shrinkable Cross-Linked Polyolefin Coatings for the Exterior of Special Sections, Connections, and Fittings for Steel Water Pipelines
C217 2004 Cold-Applied Petrolatum Tape and Petroleum Wax Tape Coatings for the Exterior of Special Sections, Connections
C218 2002 Coating the Exterior of Aboveground Steel Water Pipelines and Fittings
C219 2001 Bolted, Sleeve-Type Couplings for Plain-End Pipe
C220 1998 Stainless-Steel Pipe, 4 in. (100mm) and Larger Concrete Pipe
C221 2001 Fabricated Steel Mechanical Slip-Type Expansion Joints
C222 1999 Polyurethane Coatings for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipe and Fittings
C223 2002 Fabricated Steel and Stainless Steel Taping Sleeves
C224 2001 Two-Layer Nylon-11 Based Polyamide Coating System for Interior and Extended Water Pipe and Fittings
C225 2003 Fused Polyolefin Coating Systems for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipeline
Concrete Pipe
C300 2004 Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel- Cylinder Type, for Water and Other Liquids
C301 1999 Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel- Cylinder Type, for Water and Other Liquids
C302 2004 Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Non- cylinder Type, for Water and Other Liquids
C303 2002 Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type, Pretensioned, for Water and Other Liquids
C304 1999 Design of Concrete Cylinder Pipe Asbestos-Cement Pipe
Asbestos Cement
C400 2003 Asbestos-Cement Distribution Pipe, 4 in. through 16 in. (100 mm through 400 mm) NPS, for Water and Other Liquids
C401 2003 Practice for the Selection of Asbestos- Cement Distribution Pipe, 4 in. through 6 in. (100 mm through 400 mm) for Water and Other Liquids
C402 2005 Asbestos-Cement Transmission Pipe, 18 in. through 42 in. (450 mm through1050 mm), for Potable Water and Other Liquids
C403 2005 Practice for the Selection of Asbestos- Cement Transmission and Feeder Main Pipe, Sizes 18 in. through 42 in. (450 mm through 1050 mm)
C500 2002 Gate Valves for Water and Sewerage Systems
C502 1994 Dry-Barrel Fire Hydrants
C503 1997 Wet-Barrel Fire Hydrants
C504 2000 Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves
C507 2005 Ball Valves 6 in. through 48 in. (150 mm through 1200 mm)
C508 2001 Swing-Check Valves for Waterworks Service, 2 in. through 24 in. NPS
C509 2001 Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water and Sewerage Systems
C510 1997 Double Check Valve Backflow-Prevention Assembly
C511 1997 Reduced-Pressure Principle Backflow- Prevention Assembly
C512 2004 Air Release, Air/Vacuum, and Combination Air Valves for Waterworks Service
C513 2005 Open-Channel, Fabricated-Metal, Slide Gates and Open-Channel, Fabricated-Metal Weir Gates
C515 2001 Reduced-Wall, Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service
C540 2002 Power-Actuating Devices for Valves and Sluice Gates
C550 2001 Protective Epoxy Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants
C560 2000 Cast-Iron Slide Gates
C561 2004 Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates
C563 2004 Fabricated Composite Slide Gates
C600 1999 Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances
C602 2000 Cement-Mortar Lining of Water Pipelines-4 in. (100 mm) and Larger-In Place
C603 1996 Installation of Asbestos-Cement Pressure Pipe
C605 1994 Underground Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Water
C606 2004 Grooved and Shouldered Joints
C651 1999 Disinfecting Water Mains
C652 2002 Disinfection of Water-Storage Facilities
C653 2003 Disinfection of Water Treatment Plants
C654 2003 Disinfection of Wells
C700 2002 Cold-Water Meters-Displacement Type, Bronze Main Case
C701 2002 Cold-Water Meters-Turbine Type, for Customer Service
C702 2001 Cold-Water Meters-Compound Type
C703 1996 Cold-Water Meters-Fire Service Type
C704 2002 Cold-Water Meters-Propeller Type for Main Line Applications
C706 1996 Direct-Reading, Remote-Registration Systems for Cold-Water Meters
C707 1982 Encoder-Type Remote-Registration Systems for Cold-Water Meters
C708 1996 Cold-Water Meters-Multi-Jet Type
C710 2002 Cold-Water Meters-Displacement Type, Plastic Main Case
C712 2002 Cold-Water MeterSinglejet Type
C750 2003 Transit-Time Flowmeters in Full Closed Conduits
C800 2001 Underground Service Line Valves and Fittings
C900 1997 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 in. through 12 in., for Water Distribution
C901 2002 Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Tubing, 1/2 in. through 3 in., for Water Service
C903 2002 Polyethylene-Aluminum-Polyethylene and Crosslinked Polyethylene Composite Pressure Pipes
C905 1997 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Transmission Pipe, Nominal Diameters 14 in. through 36 in.
C906 1999 Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Fittings, 4 in. through 63 in., for Water Distribution
C907 2004 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Fittings for Water-4 in. through 8 in. (100 mm through 200 mm)
C908 2001 PVC Self-Tapping Saddle Tees for Use on PVC Pipe
C909 2002 Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCO) Pressure Pipe, 4 In.-24(mm), for Water Distribution
C950 2001 Fiberglass Pressure Pipe
D100 1996 Welded Steel Tanks for Water Storage (Includes addendum D100a 1989)
D102 2003 Coating and Steel Water-Storage Tanks
D103 1997 Factory-Coated Bolted Steel Tanks for Water Storage
D104 2004 Automatically Controlled, Impressed-Current Cathodic Protection for the Interior of Steel Water Tanks
D110 2004 Wire-Wound Circular Prestressed-Concrete Water Tanks
D115 1995 Circular Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks with Circumferential Tendon
D120 2002 Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Tanks
D130 2002 Flexible-Membrane-Lining and Floating-Cover Materials for Potable-Water Storage
F101 2002 Contact-Molded, Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Wash Water Troughs
F102 2002 Matched-Die-Molded, Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Weir Plates, Scum B Mounting Brackets

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 407.01

(See Revision Note at part heading for Env-Dw 407) #10614, eff 6-1-14