N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 1002.18

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Dw 1002.18 - Scoring System
(a) The department shall assign points to each application as specified in (b) through (r), below, and then add the points together to get one point total, or score, for the application as a whole.
(b) For each project that is located within more than one source water protection area, the department shall calculate a score for each source water protection area and then use the highest score to rank the project in relation to other projects.
(c) The department shall assign points based on the type of water system as follows:
(1) For a non-transient non-community system, 0 points;
(2) For a community system other than a municipally-owned system, one point; or
(3) For a municipal system, 5 points.
(d) The department shall assign points based on the population served by the water system as follows:
(1) For a system serving 25 to 100 people, 0 points;
(2) For a system serving 101 to 500 people, one point;
(3) For a system serving 501 to 2,500 people, 2 points;
(4) For a system serving 2,501 to 5,000 people, 3 points; or
(5) For a system serving over 5,000 people, 4 points.
(e) The department shall assign points based on the number of community water supply sources to be protected as follows:
(1) For one source, 0 points;
(2) For 2 sources, one point; or
(3) For 3 or more sources, 2 points.
(f) The department shall assign points based on the total acreage of grant property and match property as follows:
(1) For a project containing less than 10 acres, 0 points;
(2) For a project containing 10 acres or more but not more than 40 acres, one point;
(3) For a project containing more than 40 but not more than 99 acres, 2 points;
(4) For a project containing more than 99 but not more than 250 acres, 3 points; or
(5) For a project containing more than 250 acres, 4 points.
(g) The department shall assign points based on the presence of any or all of the following natural resource, cultural, and historical attributes on the grant property and match property, as follows:
(1) For a project containing or abutting great ponds, perennial streams or rivers, non-forested wetlands, or floodplains greater than 5 acres, one point;
(2) For a project containing state- or federally-listed threatened or endangered species, habitat for such species that has been determined by the executive director of the New Hampshire fish and game department, pursuant to RSA 212-A:9, III, to be critical, or rare plants, rare animals, or exemplary natural communities that have been identified by the NH NHB, 1/2 point;
(3) For a project that abuts conservation land such that there is an unfragmented block of undeveloped land 500 acres or more in size, 1/2 point;
(4) For a project containing important farmland according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service classification system, 1/2 point;
(5) For a project with existing or potential outdoor recreation amenities, such as public trails and public boat access points, 1/2 point;
(6) For a project containing historical, cultural, or archaeologically significant lands that are on the National Register of Historic Places or identified by the New Hampshire department of natural and cultural resources, division of historical resources, 1/2 point; and
(7) For a project containing any other identified conservation value, 1/2 point.
(h) For groundwater sources, the department shall assign points based on the distance of the grant property or match property from the existing or proposed source to be protected as follows:
(1) If any of the land is located within the sanitary protective area for an existing source, 25 points;
(2) If any of the land is located within 600 feet of the edge of the sanitary protective area, 20 points;
(3) If any of the land is located 600 to 1,000 feet from the edge of the sanitary protective area, 15 points;
(4) If any of the land is located 1,000 to 2,000 feet from the edge of the sanitary protective area, 10 points;
(5) If any of the land is located 2,000 to 3,000 feet from the edge of the sanitary protective area, 5 points;
(6) If any of the land is located 3,000 to 4,000 feet from the edge of the sanitary protective area, 2 points;
(7) If any of the land is located 4,000 to 5,000 feet from the edge of the sanitary protective area, one point; or
(8) If any of the land is located more than 5,000 feet from the edge of the sanitary protective area, 0 points.
(i) For river sources, the department shall assign points based on the distance of the grant property and match property up gradient from the intake and within the watershed of the source being protected, as follows:
(1) If any of the land is located within 400 feet of the intake, 20 points;
(2) If any of the land is located 400 to 1,000 feet from the intake, 15 points;
(3) If any of the land is located 1,000 to 2,000 feet from the intake, 10 points;
(4) If any of the land is located 2,000 to 3,000 feet from the intake, 5 points;
(5) If any of the land is located 3,000 to 4,000 feet from the intake, 2 points;
(6) If any of the land is located 4,000 to 5,000 feet from the intake, one point; or
(7) If any of the land is located more than 5,000 feet from the intake, 0 points.
(j) For surface water sources, the department shall assign points based on riparian frontage as follows:
(1) For riparian frontage that is within 5 miles of the intake or shore, 2 points for every 1,000 feet of frontage;
(2) For riparian frontage that is greater than 5 miles and less than 10 miles from the intake or shore, one point for every 1,000 feet of said frontage; and
(3) If the project includes land on both sides of a river or stream, the frontage on both sides shall be counted.
(k) For pond, lake, or impoundment sources, the department shall assign points based on the distance of the grant property or match property from the intake of the source being protected, as follows:
(1) If any of the land is within 400 feet of the shore, 20 points;
(2) If any of the land is 400 to 1,000 feet from the shore, 15 points;
(3) If any of the land is 1,000 to 2,000 feet from the shore, 10 points;
(4) If any of the land is 2,000 to 3,000 feet from the shore, 5 points;
(5) If any of the land is 3,000 to 4,000 feet from the shore, 2 points;
(6) If any of the land is 4,000 to 5,000 feet from the shore, one point; or
(7) If any of the land is more than 5,000 feet of the shore, 0 points.
(l) The department shall assign points based on the percentage of total project value, including cash and interests in land to be donated, that is to be provided as match by the applicant as follows:
(1) For a percentage of total project value greater than 75% but less than 85%, one point; or
(2) For a percentage of total project value of 85% or greater, 2 points.
(m) The department shall assign points based on the water supply protection measures that are or will be in effect, as follows:
(1) For sources for which a comprehensive source water protection program plan is being implemented, one point;
(2) For sources with source water protection area regulations in effect, one point;
(3) For sources with a source water protection area educational program in effect, one point;
(4) For sources with an established land acquisition plan, one point;
(5) For sources with existing source water protection area ownership beyond sanitary radius or control through easement by water suppliers or others, one point;
(6) For sources with a long-term plan for meeting system demand, one point; and
(7) For sources for which a water conservation plan is being implemented, one point.
(n) The department shall assign points based on the average per capita income and equalized taxable valuation for the municipality where those served by the water supply to be protected reside, based on the most recent available data, as follows:
(1) For an area with either or both of the averages above the statewide average, 0 points; and
(2) For an area with both of the averages below the statewide average, 2 points.
(o) The department shall assign 2 points for applications initiated or supported by the water supplier.
(p) The department shall assign one point for first-time applicants.
(q) The department shall assign one point to projects with a signed contractual agreement between the applicant and the landowner(s).
(r) The department shall assign one point to projects where the applicant has funds that are already authorized by the applicant's governing body.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 1002.18

(See Revision Note at part heading for Env-Dw 1002) #9490, eff 6-23-09

Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 02, Filed January 11, 2018, Proposed by #12441, Effective 1/1/2018, Expires 1/1/2028.