N.H. Admin. Code § Env-C 309.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-C 309.01 - Initial Assessments, Reassessments, and Surveillance Assessments
(a) When serving as the primary accreditation body, the department shall not issue an accreditation prior to completion of an assessment in accordance with Volume 2, Module 3, Section 6.0 of the TNI standards.
(b) In order to maintain NH ELAP accreditation, a laboratory for which the department is the primary accreditation body shall be assessed for all fields of accreditation on a frequency ofat least once every 18 to 30 months.
(c) An initial assessment or reassessment shall include an administrative review of the application for completeness and a technical review of the application, quality systems manual, SOPs, and any other document submitted with the application.
(d) Surveillance assessments shall be performed to monitor a laboratory's ability to meet requirements of accreditation between an initial assessment or reassessment and a scheduled reassessment.
(e) Laboratory personnel shall allow duly-authorized employees of the department or an approved TPAO to enter the premises of any laboratory accredited under these rules during the laboratory's normal business hours to determine compliance with the department's rules and with applicable TNI standards.
(f) Assessors shall have access to interview any and all staff engaged in activities related to the areas for which the laboratory requests accreditation.
(g) Arrangements for an assessment shall be made between the program manager or TPAO and the laboratory's authorized agent or contact person.
(h) If a laboratory refuses to allow a scheduled assessment, the department shall:
(1) Deny initial accreditation; or
(2) Initiate revocation proceedings to revoke or refuse to renew an existing accreditation.
(i) The assessment team shall use the TNI quality systems checklist(s) and technical checklists prepared by the department to conduct the assessment.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-C 309.01

#4861, eff 7-6-90; ss by #5564, eff 1-28-93, EXPIRED: 1-28-99

New. #7035, INTERIM, eff 6-25-99, EXPIRES: 10-23-99

New. #7126, eff 10-29-99; ss by 9009, INTERIM, eff 10-29-07, EXPIRES: 4-26-08; ss by #9134, eff 4-19-08

Amended by Volume XXXVII Number 2, Filed January 12, 2017, Proposed by #12065, Effective 1/1/2017, Expires 1/1/2027.
Amended by Volume XLI Number 49, Filed December 9, 2021, Proposed by #13291, Effective 11/23/2021, Expires 11/23/2031