N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 808.07

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-A 808.07 - General Audit Requirements for All Gaseous and Opacity CEM Systems
(a) The owner or operator shall conduct required quarterly audits anytime during each calendar quarter, provided that successive quarterly audits shall occur no more than 4 months apart.
(b) Subject to (e), below, within 30 calendar days following the end of each quarter, the owner or operator shall file with the department a written summary report of the results of all audits required by (a), above, that were performed during that quarter, in accordance with the following:
(1) For gaseous CEM audits, the report format shall conform to that presented in 40 CFR 60, Appendix F, Procedure 1; and
(2) For opacity CEM audits, the report format shall conform to that presented in EPA-450/4-92-010, April 1992, "Technical Assistance Document: Performance Audit Procedures for Opacity Monitors".
(c) The owner or operator shall notify the department:
(1) At least 30 days prior to the performance of a RATA, in accordance with the pre-test procedures described in Env-A 802; and
(2) At least 2 weeks prior to any other planned audit or test procedure required under this part.
(d) The department shall require the rescheduling of a RATA if the staff necessary to observe the audit are not available.
(e) The owner or operator shall file with the department a written summary of the results of the RATA testing in accordance with the reporting requirements in Env-A 802.11 by the earlier of 45 calendar days following the completion of the RATA test or the date established in the section of 40 CFR 60, 40 CFR 75, or other federal rule that requires performance of the RATA.
(f) The owner or operator of a source that has an opacity or gaseous CEM system that is subject to the audit requirements of 40 CFR 63, 40 CFR 75 or other federal rule, and also has a CEM system for monitoring of pollutants not subject to the audit requirements of the applicable federal rule, may perform the audits required by this part at the frequencies, including any grace periods or extensions of the deadlines to allow for periods during which the source is not operating, that are specified in 40 CFR 63, 40 CFR 75, or other federal rule for all of the CEM systems installed at the source.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 808.07

#7788, eff 10-31-02; ss by #9802, eff 10-31-10

Amended by Volume XXXIX Number 19, Filed May 9, 2019, Proposed by #12762, Effective 5/1/2019, Expires 5/1/2029.