N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 4708.08

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-A 4708.08 - Monitoring and Verification Requirements
(a) As part of the consistency application, the project sponsor shall provide a monitoring and verification plan certified by an independent verifier accredited pursuant to Env-A 4710.
(b) Annual monitoring and verification reports required by Env-A 4711.02(b) shall be certified by an independent verifier accredited pursuant to Env-A 4710.
(c) The independent verifiers shall conduct a site audit when reviewing the first monitoring and verification report submitted by the project sponsor, except for offset projects that save less than 1,500 MMBtu per year. For offset projects that save less than 1,500 MMBtu per year, a site audit pursuant to (c), above, shall not be required provided the project sponsor provides the independent verifier with equipment specifications and copies of equipment invoices and other relevant offset project-related invoices.
(d) All offset project documentation, including the consistency application and monitoring and verification reports, shall be signed by a professional engineer, identified by license number.
(e) As specified in the model rule, monitoring and verification of energy usage shall be demonstrated through a documented process consistent with the following protocols and procedures, as applicable:
(1) Subject to (2), below, the determination of baseline energy usage for existing commercial buildings shall be consistent with the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol, Volume I: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy and Water Savings (IPMVP), "Option B. Retrofit Isolation" and "Option D. Calibrated Simulation";
(2) If a building project involves only energy conservation measures implemented as part of a CO2 offset project, a process consistent with IPMVP "Option C. Whole Facility" may be used, as applicable, provided that the application of the IPMVP general guidance shall be consistent with the applicable detailed specifications in ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002, Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings;
(3) For new commercial buildings, determination of baseline energy usage shall be consistent with the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol, Volume III: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy Savings in New Construction (IPMVP), "Option D. Calibrated Simulation", provided that the application of the IPMVP general guidance shall be consistent with the applicable detailed specifications in ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002, Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings; and
(4) For existing and new residential buildings, determination of baseline energy usage shall be consistent with the requirements of the RESNET National Energy Rating Technical Standards and National Home Energy Rating Technical Guidelines, 2013 (chapter 3 and Appendix A of 2013 Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating System Standards).
(f) As specified in the model rule, in calculating both baseline energy usage and energy savings, the applicant shall isolate the impact of each eligible energy conservation measure (ECM), either through direct metering or energy simulation modeling.
(g) For offset projects with multiple ECMs, and where individual ECMs can affect the performance of others, the sum of energy savings due to individual ECMs shall be adjusted to account for the interaction of ECMs in accordance with the following:
(1) For commercial buildings, the process shall be consistent with the requirements of ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002, Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings, and ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 (SI Edition): Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings; and
(2) For residential buildings, the process shall be consistent with the requirements of RESNET National Home Energy Rating Technical Guidelines, 2006 (chapter 3 and Appendix A of 2006 Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating System Standards) and adopted enhancements dated 2007-2012.
(h) Reductions in energy usage due to the ECM shall be based upon actual energy usage data. Energy simulation modeling shall only be used to determine the relative percentage contribution to total fuel usage for each respective fuel type of the application targeted by the ECM.
(i) As specified in the model rule, annual energy savings shall be determined in accordance with the following:
(1) "BEUAECM" means the annual pre-installation baseline energy use by fuel type, in MMBtu, attributable to the application(s) to be targeted by the ECM(s), based upon annual fuel usage data for the most recent calendar year for which data are available. For new buildings, baseline energy use for a reference building equivalent in basic configuration, orientation, and location to the building in which the eligible ECM(s) is implemented shall be determined according to ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002, Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings and ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 (SI Edition), Section 11 and Appendix G. Where energy simulation modeling is used to evaluate an existing building, modeling shall be conducted in accordance with ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002, Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings, and ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 (SI Edition), Section 11 and Appendix G. For existing and new residential buildings, energy simulation modeling shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of RESNET National Home Energy Rating Technical Guidelines, 2006 (chapter 3 and Appendix A of 2006 Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating System Standards) and adopted enhancements dated 2007-2012;
(2) "PIEUECM" means the annual post-installation energy use by fuel type, in MMBtu, attributable to the ECM(s), to be verified based on annual energy usage after installation of the ECM(s), consistent with the requirements of ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002, Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings. Where energy simulation modeling is used to evaluate a new or existing building, modeling shall be conducted in accordance with ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002, Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings, and ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 (SI Edition), Section 11 and Appendix G. For existing and new residential buildings, energy simulation modeling shall be consistent with the requirements of RESNET National Home Energy Rating Technical Guidelines, 2006 (chapter 3 and Appendix A of 2006 Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating System Standards) and adopted enhancements dated 2007-2012;
(3) "A" means the adjustments to account for any differing conditions during the pre-installation and post-installation time periods, such as weather (weather normalized energy usage based on heating and cooling degree days), building occupancy, and changes in building use or function. For commercial buildings, adjustments shall be consistent with the specifications of ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002, Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings, and ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010 (SI Edition), Section 11 and Appendix G. For residential buildings, adjustments shall be consistent with the specifications of RESNET National Home Energy Rating Technical Guidelines, 2006 (chapter 3 and Appendix A of 2006 Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating System Standards) and adopted enhancements dated 2007-2012; and
(4) Energy savings shall be the product of the annual pre-installation baseline energy use by fuel type times the adjustments, minus the product of the annual post-installation baseline energy use by fuel type times the adjustments, as shown in the following equation:

Energy Savings (MMBtu) = (BEUAECM x A) - (PIEUECM x A)

(j) Offset projects that implement similar ECMs in multiple residential buildings may employ representative sampling of buildings to determine aggregate baseline energy usage and energy savings. Sampling protocols shall employ sound statistical methods such that there is 95 percent confidence that the reported value is within 10 percent of the true mean. Any sampling plan shall be certified by an independent verifier, accredited pursuant to Env-A 4710.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 4708.08

#9481, eff 5-23-09; ss by #10469, eff 1-1-14; (from Env-A 4708.09)