N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 4609.18

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-A 4609.18 - CO[2] Budget Units that Report Co-firing Eligible Biomass
(a) The CO2 AAR of a CO2 budget unit that co-fires eligible biomass as a compliance mechanism shall report the following information to the regional organization for each calendar quarter:
(1) For each shipment of solid eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the total eligible biomass fuel input, on an as-fired basis, in pounds
(2) For each shipment of solid eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the moisture content, on an as-fired basis, as a fraction by weight
(3) For each distinct type of gaseous eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the density of the biogas, on an as-fired basis, in pounds per standard cubic foot
(4) For each distinct type of gaseous eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the moisture content of the biogas, as a fraction by total weight
(5) For each distinct type of gaseous eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the total eligible biomass fuel input, in standard cubic feet
(6) For each distinct type of eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the dry basis carbon content of the fuel type, as a fraction by dry weight
(7) For each distinct type of eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the dry basis higher heating value, in MMBtu per dry pound
(8) For each distinct type of eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the total dry basis eligible biomass fuel input, in pounds, calculated in accordance with (c) or (d), below;
(9) For each distinct type of eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, chemical analysis, including heating value and carbon content;
(10) The total amount of CO2 emitted from the CO2 budget unit due to firing eligible biomass fuel, in tons, calculated in accordance with (e), below
(11) For each distinct type of eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the total eligible biomass fuel heat input, in MMBtu, calculated in accordance with (f)(1), below
(12) The total amount of heat input to the CO2 budget unit due to firing eligible biomass fuel, in MMBtu, calculated in accordance with (f)(2), below
(13) A compliance certification and documentation of fuel sampling frequency and methodology and
(14) A compliance certification and documentation of monitoring technology employed.
(b) The owner or operator of a CO budget unit shall calculate and submit to the regional organization on a quarterly basis the total dry weight for each distinct type of eligible biomass co-fired by the CO budget unit during the reporting quarter.
(c) The total dry weight shall be determined for each fuel type as follows:
(1) For solid fuel, as determined in accordance with (c), below;
(2) For gaseous fuel, as determined in accordance with (d), below; or
(3) For eligible liquid biofuel, as proposed by the CO2 budget source and approved by the department in accordance with Env-A 4609.21.
(d) The total eligible biomass dry basis fuel input, in pounds, for solid fuel shall be calculated as follows:
(1) "Fj" means the total eligible biomass dry basis fuel input, in pounds, for fuel type j;
(2) "Fi" means the eligible biomass as fired fuel input, in pounds, for fired shipment i;
(3) "Mi" means the moisture content fraction for fired shipment i:
(4) "i" means the fired fuel shipment;
(5) "j" means the fuel type;
(6) "n" means the number of shipments; and
(7) Fj equals the sum of each product of F and the difference between one and M, as shown in the following equation:

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(e) The total eligible biomass dry basis fuel input, in pounds, for gaseous fuel shall be calculated as follows:
(1) "Fj" means the total eligible biomass dry basis fuel input, in pounds, for fuel type j;
(2) "Dj" means the density of biogas, in pounds per standard cubic foot (scf) for each distinct fuel type;
(3) "Vj" means the total volume in scf for fuel type j;
(4) "Mi" means the moisture content fraction for fired shipment j;
(5) "j" means the fuel type; and
(6) The Fj is the product of Dj times Vj, multiplied by the difference between one and M j, as shown in the following equation:

Fj = Dj x Vj x (1 - Mj)

(f) CO2 emissions due to co-firing of eligible biomass shall be determined as follows:
(1) "CO2 tons" means the tons of CO2 emissions due to co-firing of eligible biomass for the reporting quarter;
(2) "F" means the total eligible biomass dry basis fuel input, in pounds, for fuel type j, as calculated in (c) or (d), above, as applicable;
(3) "C" means the dry basis carbon fraction for fuel type j;
(4) "O" means the oxidation factor for eligible biomass fuel type j, derived for solid fuels based on the ash content of the eligible biomass fired and the carbon content of this ash as determined in accordance with the methodologies certified and documented pursuant to (a)(13)-(14), and for gaseous eligible biomass fuels, using a default oxidation factor of 0.995;
(5) "j" means the fuel type;
(6) "n" means the number of distinct fuel types; and
(7) The CO2 emissions due to co-firing of eligible biomass shall be the sum of the products of F and C and O and 44/12 and 0.0005 as shown in the following equation during periods of co-firing:

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(g) Heat input due to co-firing of eligible biomass for each quarter shall be determined as follows:
(1) "Hj" means the heat input, in MMBtu, for each distinct fuel type j;
(2) "Fj" means the total eligible biomass dry basis fuel input, in lbs, for fuel type j, as calculated in (c) or (d);
(3) "HHVj" means the higher heating value, in MMBtu/lb, dry basis, for fuel type j, as determined through chemical analysis;
(4) "j" means the fuel type;
(5) "n" means the number of distinct fuel types;
(6) For each distinct fuel type, the heat input, in MMBtu, for each distinct fuel type j shall equal the product of F and HHV as shown in the following equation:

Hj = Fj x HHVj

(7) H" means the heat input, in MMBtu, for all fuel types; and
(8) For all fuel types, the heat input, in MMBtu, for all fuel types shall equal the sum of each H as shown in the following equation:

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N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 4609.18

#9283, INTERIM, eff 10-1-08, EXPIRED: 3-30-09

New. #9444, eff 4-3-09; ss by #10468, eff 1-1-14

Amended by Volume XL Number 2, Filed January 9, 2020, Proposed by #12967, Effective 1/1/2020, Expires 1/1/2030.