N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 4606.09

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-A 4606.09 - Voluntary Renewable Energy Market Set-Aside Program
(a) The department shall administer the voluntary renewable energy set-aside program established under RSA 125-O:25 in accordance with this section and Env-A 4606.11.
(b) The department shall open and manage a set-aside account for the voluntary renewable energy certificate or attribute credit (VREC) set-aside for each calendar year.
(c) For each calendar year, the department shall allocate one percent from the New Hampshire CO22 budget trading program base budget specified in Env-A 4606.01 to the VREC set-aside (VRECS) account created pursuant to (b), above.
(d) On or before September 1 of each calendar year, the department shall:
(1) Determine, in accordance with Env-A 4606.11, the number of CO22 tons represented by the actual MWh of voluntary REC purchases during the prior calendar year; and
(2) Retire or reallocate budget allowances from the VRECS account in accordance with (e) and (f), below.
(e) If the number of budget allowances allocated to the VRECS account for the prior calendar year is less than the number of CO22 tons represented by the actual MWh of voluntary REC purchases during the prior calendar year, the department shall retire all of the budget allowances in the VRECS account.
(f) If the number of budget allowances allocated to the VRECS account for the prior calendar year is greater than the number of CO22 tons represented by the actual MWh of VREC purchases during the prior calendar year, the department shall transfer the difference to the NHAA to be auctioned at the next scheduled auction, as specified by RSA 125-O:25, II.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 4606.09

#9283, INTERIM, eff 10-1-08, EXPIRED: 3-30-09

New. #9444, eff 4-3-09; ss by #10468, eff 1-1-14

Amended by Volume XL Number 2, Filed January 9, 2020, Proposed by #12967, Effective 1/1/2020, Expires 1/1/2030.