N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 3205.06

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-A 3205.06 - End-Use Efficiency Projects, Non-Emitting Generating Systems, and Renewable Energy Projects Set-Aside Allocation
(a) The end- use efficiency projects, non-emitting generating systems, and renewable energy projects set-aside allocation shall consist of the remainder of the multi-purpose set-aside allocation after deduction of 100 retired allowances pursuant to Env-A 3205.02(d).
(b) For each control period, the department shall determine NOx allowance distributions from the end-use efficiency projects, non-emitting generating systems, and renewable energy projects set-aside allocation in accordance with the following procedures:
(1) The department shall open and manage a general account for the multi-purpose set-aside allocation;
(2) Project sponsors of any of the following types of projects shall be eligible for the receipt of NOx allowances from the energy efficiency and renewable energy set-aside allocation:
a. End-use efficiency projects;
b. Non-emitting generating systems; and
c. Renewable energy projects;
(3) The authorized account representative of a project sponsor shall submit a written request via e-mail, fax or hard copy to the department to distribute a number of NOx allowances from the end-use efficiency projects, non-emitting generating systems, and renewable energy projects set-aside allocation to the general account of the project sponsor;
(4) The department shall multiply the generation or avoided generation, in MWh, by the New England marginal emission rate, as most recently reported by ISO New England, Inc. in tons/MWh, to determine the amount of NOx allowances.
(c) No unused allowances remaining in the multi-purpose set-aside account at the end of a calendar year shall be banked for any other future allocation by the department, until the department has acted upon all notices and requests for conversion filed pursuant to (b)(3), above, and outstanding as of the end of such calendar year.
(d) If more than one project sponsor of an end-use energy efficiency project, non-emitting generating system, or renewable energy project requests the distribution of NOx allowances and the number of NOx allowances that are subject to department approved requests exceeds the number of NOx allowances in the end-use efficiency projects, non-emitting generating systems, and renewable energy projects set-aside allocation, the department shall distribute NOx allowances from the end-use efficiency projects, non-emitting generating systems, and renewable energy projects set-aside allocation for each project or system as specified in (e), (f), and (g), below.
(e) For a total of 10 consecutive control periods following the date that the project commences operation, end-use energy efficiency projects and renewable energy projects shall receive 100% of their department approved requests for each control period.
(f) End-use energy efficiency projects and renewable energy projects that commenced operation 10 years prior to the beginning of the current control period shall receive NOx allowances from the remainder of available allowances after allocation of allowances in accordance with (e) above on a basis proportional to the number of NOx allowances approved for each project and each system in accordance with (g), below.
(g) Non-emitting generating systems shall receive NOx allowances from the remainder of available allowances after allocation of allowances in accordance with (e) above on a basis proportional to the number of NOx allowances approved for each system and each project in accordance with (f), above.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 3205.06

Derived From Volume XXXVI Number 01, Filed January 7, 2016, Proposed by #11001, Effective 1/1/2016, Expires 1/1/2026.