N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-A, ch. Env-A 2300, pt. Env-A 2304, app C

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Appendix C - State Definitions

RSA 125-C: 2

III-a. "Biomass" means organic matter used as a fuel, not including wood derived from construction and demolition debris, as defined in RSA 149-M:4, IV-a; wood which has been chemically treated; or agricultural crops or aquatic plants or byproducts from such crops or plants, which have been used to rehabilitate a contaminated or brownfields site through a process known as "phytoremediation."

Env-A 1302

Env-A 1302.07 "Coal" means all solid fuels classified as anthracite, bituminous, lignite, or subbituminous according to the ASTM Standard Classification of Coals by Rank, ASTM D 388, coal refuse, and petroleum coke. The term includes coal-derived synthetic fuels, including but not limited to solvent refined coal, gasified coal, coal-oil mixtures, and coal-water mixtures.

Env-A 1302.20

"Gas or gaseous fuel" means natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, or gaseous substances produced synthetically from coal or oil, or derived from the decomposition of organic matter, or derived as a by-product of a manufacturing process, and which can be used to create useful heat or mechanical energy, or a combination thereof.

Env-A 1302.30

"Maximum heat input rate" means the maximum steady state fuel firing rate, in Btu per hour of gross heat input, of fuel burning equipment as determined in the design rating of the equipment manufacturer and the characteristics of the fuel-burning devices.

N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-A, ch. Env-A 2300, pt. Env-A 2304, app C