Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-A 1805.04 - Site Preparation Prior to the start of the abatement, the O/O shall prepare each work area as follows:
(a) Post telephone numbers of the nearest emergency facilities in a location that is visible from the work area;(b) Turn off all HVAC systems in or passing through the work area, and take measures, such as taping over on/off switches, to prevent accidental start-ups;(c) Isolate contaminated areas from uncontaminated areas with air-tight barriers over all openings between the work area and uncontaminated areas, including but not limited to windows, doorways, elevator openings, corridor entrances, ventilation openings, drains, ducts, grills, grates, diffusers and skylights, but excluding the decontamination enclosure system doorways, using sheeting having a minimum thickness of 6 mil;(d) Post warning signs at all entrances to the work area;(e) Remove all uncontaminated movable objects from the work area;(f) Clean or dispose of as asbestos waste all contaminated items not removed from the work area;(g) Clean all non-movable objects in the work area, then cover with sheeting having a minimum thickness of 4 mil secured in place; and(h) Install sheeting as follows: (1) Completely cover all uncontaminated floors, walls, and ceiling surfaces in the work area with sheeting as specified in (3) through (6), below, as applicable, sized and installed so as to minimize seams;(2) Do not locate sheeting seams at any floor/wall or ceiling/wall corners;(3) Cover the floor with 2 layers of 6 mil sheeting and extend the sheeting at least 12 inches up each wall;(4) Cover the walls with one layer of 4 mil sheeting and extend the sheeting at least 12 inches across the floor;(5) Cover the ceiling with one layer of 4 mil sheeting and extend the sheeting at least 12 inches down each wall; and(6) Cover all intake and exhaust openings and any seams in all HVAC system components with 6 mil or thicker sheeting or with tape.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 1805.04
(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-A 1800) #9298, eff 10-21-08
Amended by Volume XXXVII Number 19, Filed May 11, 2017, Proposed by #12172, Effective 5/5/2017, Expires 5/5/2027.