N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 1311.03

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-A 1311.03 - Control Requirements for Stationary Combustion Turbines

The owner or operator of a stationary combustion turbine used as an emergency generator shall:

(a) Adjust the combustion process of the combustion turbine, at least once every 12 months, in accordance with the following:
(1) Inspect the burner, the flame pattern from the burner, and the systems which control the air-to-fuel ratio;
(2) Adjust the air-to-fuel ratio in accordance with the results of the inspections performed;
(3) Determine the effect of the adjustment upon NOx emissions by performing gaseous concentration measurements in accordance with NOx RACT testing, as specified in Env-A 800;
(4) Re-adjust the air-to-fuel ratio based on results of the previous adjustment performed to minimize total NOx emissions; and
(5) Confirm that NOx emissions from the equipment or source operation do not cause an exceedance of any maximum allowable emission rate for NOx or any other state and federally regulated air pollutant;
(b) Maintain, in a format that can be retained unaltered for the time period specified in Env-A 902, the following information:
(1) The date on which the combustion process was last adjusted;
(2) The name, title, and affiliation of the individual who made the adjustments;
(3) The concentration of NOx in the effluent stream, in ppmv measured at high fire or typical operating load, before and after the adjustments are made; and
(4) The concentration of CO in the effluent stream, in ppmv and oxygen in volume percent, measured at high fire or typical operating load, before and after the adjustments are made;
(c) Concentration measurements may be taken by either a dry or wet basis, provided that the following:
(1) The same basis is used before and after the adjustments are made; and
(2) All gases are measured using the same basis;
(d) Install, operate, and maintain an elapsed time meter for each emergency generator to indicate, in cumulative hours, the elapsed operating time for the previous 12 months; and
(e) Determine the hours of operation for each emergency generator for the previous 12-month period on a monthly basis.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 1311.03

(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-A 1300) #9803, eff 10-31-10

Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 32, Filed August 9, 2018, Proposed by #12584, Effective 8/15/2018, Expires 8/15/2028.