N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-A, ch. Env-A 100, pt. Env-A 105, app Appendix C: State Statutory Definitions

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Appendix - Appendix C: State Statutory Definitions

RSA 125-C:2:

I-a. "Affected source," any stationary source, the construction, installation, operation, and modification of which is subject to Title V, Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq., as amended.

II. "Air contaminant," soot, cinders, ashes, any dust, fume, gas, mist (other than water), odor, toxic or radioactive material, particulate matter, or any combination thereof.

III. "Air pollution," the presence in the outdoor atmosphere of one or more contaminants or any combination thereof in sufficient quantities and of such characteristics and duration as are or are likely to be injurious to public welfare, to the health of human, plant, or animal life, or cause damage to property or create a disagreeable or unnatural odor or obscure visibility or which unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life and property.

VI. "Device which contributes to air pollution," any burner, furnace, machine, equipment or article which, in the opinion of the commissioner, contributes or may contribute to the pollution of the air.

VIII. "Emission," a release into the outdoor atmosphere of air contaminants.

X. "Person," any individual, partnership, firm or co-partnership, association, company, trust, corporation, department, bureau, agency, private or municipal corporation, or any political subdivision of the state, the United States or political subdivisions or agencies thereof, or any other entity recognized by law as subject to rights and duties.

RSA 125-:2I:

I. "Air contaminant" means soot, cinders, ashes, any dust, fume, gas, mist (other than water), odor, toxic or radioactive material, particulate matter, or any combination thereof.

II. "Air toxic" means air contaminants designated by the commissioner of the department of environmental services from the organic compounds and metals listed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 2 61, Subparts C and D and Table 4 of 450/5-86-011a and subsequent updates.

III. "Ambient air" means the unconfined atmosphere that envelops the earth.

IV. "Ambient air limit" means the standard designated pursuant to RSA 125-:4I that establishes the maximum allowable concentration of emissions of a specific regulated toxic air pollutant at or beyond the compliance boundary.

IX. "Device" means any burner, furnace, machine, equipment, or article which emits a regulated toxic air pollutant or air contaminant into the ambient air.

X. "Modification" means any physical or operational change in a stationary source or device which increases the amount of a specific regulated toxic air pollutant emitted by such source or device, or which results in the emission of any additional regulated toxic air pollutant.

XI. "Pollution control equipment" means any device that treats, removes, restricts, or otherwise controls the release or discharge of regulated toxic air pollutants that is not vital to normal productions operations.

XII. "Process" means any operation which combines devices, equipment, raw materials, utilities, and manpower for the production of goods, services, energy, pollution control, or other purposes which emits a regulated toxic air pollutant into the ambient air.

XIII. "Reference concentration limit" means an estimate established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency of a daily exposure to the human population, including sensitive subgroups, that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious noncancer effects during a lifetime.

XIV. "Regulated toxic air pollutant" means any substance or compound emitted into the ambient air by a stationary source and designated a regulated toxic air pollutant pursuant to RSA 125-:4I. Regulated toxic air pollutants are classified as:

(a) Class I, meaning any regulated toxic air pollutant recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a Group A-Human Carcinogen or Group B-Probable Human Carcinogen, as referenced in 51 Federal Register 34,000 (1986), or otherwise designated a regulated toxic air pollutant-Class I by the commissioner pursuant to rules adopted under RSA 125-:3I.

(b) Class II, meaning any regulated toxic air pollutant other than a regulated toxic air pollutant Class I, which is recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a Group C-Possible Human Carcinogen, as referenced in 51 Federal Register 34,000 (1986), or otherwise designated a regulated toxic air pollutant-Class II by the commissioner pursuant to rules adopted under RSA 125-:3I.

(c) Class III, meaning any regulated toxic air pollutant other than a regulated toxic air pollutant-Class I or Class II.

XV. "Stationary source" means any building, structure, facility, or installation that emits or may emit a regulated toxic air pollutant or air contaminant into the ambient air.

XVI. "Threshold limit value" means the threshold limit value-time weighted average (TLV-TWA) as set forth in the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) 1995 list and as amended thereafter.

XVII. "Uncontrolled emission" means any emission of a regulated toxic air pollutant from a device or process at a stationary source that is not subject to treatment or removal by pollution control equipment prior to being emitted to the ambient air, or is emitted to the ambient air in amounts which have not been limited by conditions in an enforceable permit or document.

RSA 125-J:1:

II. "Allowable emissions" means the emission rate of a device or source calculated using the maximum rated capacity of the device or source, or, if applicable, federally enforceable limits which restrict the emission rate, operating rate, hours of operation, or any combination thereof, and the most stringent of the following:

(a) Any applicable standard set forth in 40 C.F.R. part 60 or 40 C.F.R. part 61 ;

(b) Any applicable New Hampshire state implementation plan emissions limitation, including a limitation with a future compliance date; or

(c) Any emissions rate specified as a condition of a federally enforceable permit issued by the department or EPA, including those with a future compliance date, or a federally enforceable emissions reductions credit certificate issued pursuant to an EPA-approved economic incentive program ("EIP").

N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-A, ch. Env-A 100, pt. Env-A 105, app Appendix C: State Statutory Definitions