Section Ec-Wst 201.03 - Service of Documents(a) All petitions, motions, exhibits, memoranda, comments, correspondence or other documents filed by any party to a proceeding governed by these rules shall be served by that party upon all other parties on the service list maintained in accordance with Ec-Wst 203.05.(b) All notices, orders, decisions or other documents issued pursuant to these rules shall be served by the presiding officer upon all parties on the service list maintained in accordance with Ec-Wst 203.05.(c) Service of all documents relating to a proceeding shall be made by electronic mail, unless a party or person on the service list has indicated an inability to receive service by electronic mail, in which case service shall be made by first class mail, postage prepaid, in the United States mail.(d) If a party serving any document does not have the ability to serve such document by electronic mail, service shall be made by first class mail, postage prepaid, in the United States mail.(e) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) through (c), when a party appears by representative, service shall be upon the representative by electronic mail, unless the representative has indicated an inability to receive service by electronic mail, in which case service shall be made by first class mail, postage prepaid, in the United States mail at the address stated in the appearance filed by the representative.N.H. Admin. Code § Ec-Wst 201.03
Derived from Number 28, Filed July 13, 2023, Proposed by #13659, Effective 6/16/2023 (See Revision Note at chapter heading for Ec-Wst 200).