N.H. Admin. Code § Agr 2102.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Agr 2102.01 - Definitions
(a) "Accredited veterinarian" means a licensed veterinarian approved by the Veterinary Services, United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) administrator and the state animal health official to perform duties as outlined in 9 C.F.R. Part 161.
(b) "Buffalo" means all animals of the genus Bison and Bubalus bubalis.
(c) "Buffered acidified plate antigen (BAPA)" means a test for diagnosing brucellosis in cattle serum.
(d) "Camelidae" means llamas, alpacas, quanacos, vicunas and camels.
(e) "Cattle" means all bovine animals in genus bos, including buffalo.
(f) "Certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI)" means a certificate signed by an accredited veterinarian in the state of origin attesting to the health of an animal or animals, with appropriate test results listed, which are moving interstate and are free of any evidence of contagious or infectious diseases.
(g) "Cervidae" means elk (Cervus elephus canadensis), fallow deer (Dama dama) red deer (Cervus elephus) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus).
(h) "Chronic wasting disease (CWD)" means a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of deer and elk characterized by vacuolar changes in the brain.
(i) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of agriculture, markets and food.
(j) "Domestic animals," as used in RSA 436:1, II, means domestic livestock and poultry, and includes camelidae, cervidae, ratite, ferrets and buffalo.
(k) "Equine" means horses, asses, mules, zebras, ponies or any other caballus species.
(l) "Equine infectious anemia (EIA) test" means any designated test for equine infectious anemia which has been approved for use by USDA APHIS and has been conducted at a laboratory approved by USDA APHIS to conduct such testing as outlined in 9 C.F.R. Part 75.4.
(m) "Immediate slaughter" means direct shipment to an inspected slaughter facility not more than 2 weeks from the date of transfer of ownership as outlined in in 9 C.F.R. Part 93.400, 93.500.
(n) "Microchip" means electronic identification.
(o) "Official identification" means any state or federally required unique and permanent method of identification that specifically identifies individual animals in accordance with one of the systems outlined in Table 1 of USDA's Animal Disease Traceability General Standard in compliance with all applicable state and federal animal identification laws and regulations. Forms of identification include but are not limited to ear tags, brands, bands, tattoos, microchips, and physical description of natural and/or acquired markings unique to an individual animal. Physical description is only an acceptable means of identification for dogs, cats, and equines.
(p) "Owner shipper statement" means a document that can be used in lieu of a CVI only when a prior written agreement between New Hampshire and the state-of-origin is in place and only for animals that are being moved interstate directly to an approved slaughter market or to a state or federally inspected slaughter plant.
(q) "Poultry" means meat and egg type chickens, turkeys, birds of prey, exhibition and game birds and hatching eggs thereof, such as pheasant and quail.
(r) "Psittacine" means birds belonging to the parrot family most commonly being the macaw, conures, parrots, parakeets, cockatoos and cockatiels.
(s) "Qualified Pseudorabies negative herd" mean such creatures as defined in USDA APHIS State-Federal-Industry Program Standards for Pseudorabies as outlined in 9 C.F.R. Part 85.1.
(t) "Ratite" means emu, rhea, ostrich, moa, kiwi and cassowary.
(u) "Rivinol test" means a plate agglutination for brucellosis to determine the field strain of the disease in the serum of cattle, goats, sheep, cervidae, camelidae, buffalo or yak.
(v) "Scrapie" means a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of sheep and goats characterized by vacuolar changes in the brain.
(w) "VS Form 1-27" means a USDA form for permitting the movement of restricted animals.
(x) "VS Form 9-3" means a USDA form for reporting the sale of hatching eggs, chicks and poults.
(y) "Yak" means a large long haired ox from Tibet and central Asia.

N.H. Admin. Code § Agr 2102.01

#4546, eff 12-16-88, EXPIRED 12-16-94

New. #6011, eff 3-28-95; ss by #6959, eff 3-23-99; ss by #8423, eff 8-31-05; ss by #8848, eff 3-21-07 (from Agr 2101.03)

Amended by Volume XXXV Number 49, Filed December 10, 2015, Proposed by #10975, Effective 11/19/2015, Expires 11/19/2025.