N.H. Admin. Code § Agr 1706.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Agr 1706.01 - Occasional Operations

An "occasional pet vending operation'' shall not require a license under RSA 437:1 if:

(a) It operates no more than 2 days during a 30-day period;
(b) A letter indicating approval by a local official is kept on site at the time of the occasional pet vending operation;
(c) Every dog, cat, or ferret housed, harbored, or displayed at an occasional pet vending operation is quarantined in a licensed premises for at least 48 hours prior to participation in the occasional pet vending operation; and
(1) For entities not holding a current RSA 437 license, a licensed veterinarian is on site for the entire duration of the operation to assure animal welfare, oversee animal housing, and issue official health certificates for each animal that is transferred to the public; or
(2) For current RSA 437 license holders, a copy of a current official health certificate is on site for each animal that is transferred to the public.

N.H. Admin. Code § Agr 1706.01

Adopted by Volume XXXV Number 23, Filed June 11, 2014 , Proposed by #10836, Effective 5/21/2015, Expires5/21/2025.