Current through December 31, 2024
Section 706B.440 - Annual submission to Authority of statement of gross operating revenue; issuance by Authority of annual regulatory assessment; calculation of annual gross operating revenue; annual reevaluation; payment of regulatory assessment1. One year after the date of issuance of a permit to an autonomous vehicle network company, the permit holder shall, within 10 days and annually thereafter on or before July 10, submit to the Authority a statement of the category described in subsection 2 or 3, as applicable, which includes the annual gross operating revenue of the autonomous vehicle network company derived from the Nevada intrastate operations of the company as an autonomous vehicle network company for that year of operation. Within 10 days after receipt of the statement, the Authority will issue to the permit holder a notice of its annual regulatory assessment determined pursuant to subsection 2 or 3, as applicable.2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the annual regulatory assessment described in subsection 1 must be calculated on the basis of the annual gross operating revenue of the autonomous vehicle network company derived from the Nevada intrastate operations of the company as described in the following schedule, and any revenue derived from operations not related to autonomous vehicle network company operations must not be included in this calculation:(a) For a company with an annual gross operating revenue of $250,000 or less ............... $1,000(b) For a company with an annual gross operating revenue of more than $250,000 but not more than $500,000 ......................................................................................................... $6,000(c) For a company with an annual gross operating revenue of more than $500,000 but not more than $1,000,000 .................................................................................................... $20,000(d) For a company with an annual gross operating revenue of more than $1,000,000 but not more than $2,000,000 .................................................................................................... $50,000(e) For a company with an annual gross operating revenue of more than $2,000,000 but not more than $4,000,000 .................................................................................................. $100,000(f) For a company with an annual gross operating revenue of more than $4,000,000 but not more than $8,000,000 .................................................................................................. $200,000(g) For a company with an annual gross operating revenue of more than $8,000,000 but not more than $16,000,000 ................................................................................................ $400,000(h) For a company with an annual gross operating revenue of more than $16,000,000 ............................................................................................................................... $800,0003. For a company whose permit limits the operation of fully autonomous vehicles in affiliation with the company to providing nonprofit transportation services to elderly persons and persons with disabilities with an annual gross operating revenue of any amount ................................................................................................... $6004. Money collected pursuant to this section may only be collected as a means of recovering the actual costs of the Authority for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter and chapter 706B of NRS. The Authority will annually reevaluate the assessments listed in subsections 2 and 3 based upon the total revenues generated from the fees set forth in section 28 of this regulation and the expenses of the Authority for the regulation of autonomous vehicle network companies.5. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 6, payment of an annual regulatory assessment is due: (a) Within 11 days after the Authority issues to a permit holder the notice of its first annual regulatory assessment; and(b) On or before July 31 of each subsequent year.6. Upon written notice to the Authority of its election to do so, a permit holder may elect to make quarterly payments of the assessment due by payments of one quarter of the total amount due on July 31st and October 31st of the year of the determination of the assessment and January 31st and April 30th of the subsequent year.Nev. Admin. Code § 706B.440
Added to NAC by Nev. Transportation Auth. by R135-17AP, eff. 8/30/2018section 14.37 of Assembly Bill No. 69, chapter 608, Statutes of Nevada 2017, at page 4472 (NRS 706B.080), and section 14.57 of Assembly Bill No. 69, chapter 608, Statutes of Nevada 2017, at page 4473 (NRS 706B.140)