Section 706.885 - Classification of parties1. Parties to proceedings before the Authority must be entitled applicant, complainant, respondent, intervener or interested party according to the nature of the proceedings and the relationship of the parties thereto as follows: (a) The applicant is any person or persons applying or petitioning for any right or authority.(b) The complainant is any person or persons who complain to the Authority of any act or of any person.(c) The respondent is any person or persons against whom any proceeding is brought or an investigation initiated.(d) The intervener is any person or persons permitted to intervene pursuant to NAC 706.894.(e) The interested party is any person or persons who have an interest in the proceedings but do not satisfy the requirements for intervener status as set forth in NAC 706.894.2. The Authority's staff may be any member of the Authority, the Administrator or his or her assistant. If counsel is desired, the Attorney General will represent the staff. Members of the Authority's staff have all rights of participation as a party to the proceeding.Nev. Admin. Code § 706.885
Taxicab Auth., Practice Rule 3, eff. 7-1-70-NAC A 10-13-88