Section 704B.Sec. 7 - NEWThis regulation, LCB File No. R194-22, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following transitory language which has the force and effect of law but which will not be codified in the Nevada Administrative Code:
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 2, an application filed pursuant to NRS 704B.315 not later than 30 days after the effective date by a provider of new electric resources who, before June 12, 2019, sold energy, capacity or ancillary services to one or more eligible customers that were approved to purchase energy, capacity or ancillary services from the provider pursuant to NRS 704B.310, as that section existed before June 12, 2019, is only required to include the following: (a) The legal name of the applicant.(b) The current telephone number, electronic mail address, mailing address and physical street address of the applicant.(c) The names and business addresses of:(1) Three senior officers, directors or partners of the applicant; or(2) The members of the applicant, if the applicant is a limited liability company.(d) The telephone number of the department or person responsible for providing customer service for the applicant and a telephone number through which the applicant is available 24 hours per day.(e) The name, title, telephone number and electronic mail address of the person or persons who act as the regulatory contact for the applicant.(f) The name, title and address of the registered agent of the applicant in Nevada for service of process.(g) A demonstration of the ability of the applicant to sell energy, capacity or ancillary services to an eligible customer, including, without limitation, evidence: (1) That the applicant is in compliance with or will comply with NRS 704.78213; and(2) That the applicant will provide energy, capacity or ancillary services to its eligible customers from new electric resources including, without limitation, a statement identifying the generation assets the applicant intends to use to serve its eligible customers and a description of the opportunities available to the applicant to make market purchases.(h) A signed statement of an officer of the applicant who has appropriate authority attesting, under penalty of perjury, that all information supplied in the application is true and correct and that, once licensed, the provider of new electric resources will comply with all applicable regulations of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada. The signature of the officer on the statement further constitutes a representation that:(1) The person signing the statement has read the application;(2) To the best of his or her knowledge and belief, there are good grounds for the application; and(3) To the best of his or her knowledge and belief, the information contained in the application is true.(i) An affidavit signed by an officer of the applicant who has appropriate authority certifying that the applicant is a provider of new electric resources who, before June 12, 2019, sold energy, capacity or ancillary services to one or more eligible customers that were approved to purchase energy, capacity or ancillary services from the provider pursuant to NRS 704B.310, as that section existed before June 12, 2019, and listing the eligible customers to whom the applicant was authorized to sell energy, capacity or ancillary services.2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 of section 4, the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada will issue a license to a provider of new electric resources who, before June 12, 2019, sold energy, capacity or ancillary services to one or more eligible customers that were approved to purchase energy, capacity or ancillary services from the provider pursuant to NRS 704B.310, as that section existed before June 12, 2019, if the provider submits an application pursuant to subsection 1 not later than 30 days after the effective date. A license issued pursuant to this section authorizes a provider to sell energy, capacity and ancillary services only to those eligible customers who were listed in the affidavit submitted pursuant to paragraph (i) of subsection 1.3. The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada will take action on an application filed pursuant to this section not later than 60 days after the effective date.Nev. Admin. Code § 704B.Sec. 7
Added to NAC by Pub. Utilities Comm'n by R194-22A, eff. 8/28/2024NRS 704B.200, 704B.315, and section 26 of Senate Bill No. 547, chapter 556, Statutes of Nevada 2019, at page 3531