Current through December 31, 2024
Section 704A.490 - Joint trenches and separate trenches1. Whenever practicable, a telephone company's extension of its facilities to and within a development must be installed in trenches used jointly with the facilities of other public utilities.2. The developer shall provide a separate trench for any telephone facilities which are inside the development or not more than 100 feet from it if joint trenching is not technically possible or economically feasible.3. Separations between the facilities of various public utilities in a joint trench must be maintained in conformance with the minimum standards of construction set forth in Part 3 of the National Electric Safety Code, which the Commission has adopted by reference in NAC 704.450.4. The telephone company may place conduits in trenches inside or not more than 100 feet from a development to serve customers who reside more than 100 feet from the development if:(a) The conduits are installed at the same time as the underground facilities which will serve the residents in the development; and(b) The placement does not require the developer to perform additional excavation or supply additional material for backfill.The telephone company is not required to pay the developer for such an additional use of these trenches.
Nev. Admin. Code § 704A.490
Added to NAC by Pub. Service Comm'n, eff. 3-15-84NRS 703.025, 704.260, 704.280, 704A.300