Section 704.230 - "Accident" defined1. "Accident" means: (a) Any occurrence or condition directly or indirectly arising from or connected with the maintenance or operation of the premises, plant, instrumentality, or facilities of any public utility which has resulted in: (1) The loss of human life;(2) Injury to a person requiring inpatient hospitalization; or(3) Estimated property damage to utility facilities or to the property of others, or both, in the amount of $50,000 or more; and(b) For a gas utility, in addition to any occurrence or condition described in paragraph (a): (1) An evacuation: (I) Initiated by the personnel of the gas utility or by emergency response personnel;(II) Confirmed by the personnel of the gas utility through the use of a device capable of detecting and measuring the concentration of gas in the air;(III) Caused by the release of gas from the gas utility's pipeline; and(IV) That results in a gas concentration reading inside the evacuated structure of greater than 1 percent natural gas in air or greater than 0.5 percent liquid propane gas in air, or a gas concentration reading outside of the base of the evacuated structure of greater than 2 percent natural gas in air or greater than 1 percent liquid propane gas in air;(2) Damage incurred to a pipeline that requires an immediate pressure reduction, repair or replacement of a pipeline section that was operating at a pressure of more than 100 pounds per square inch; or(3) An event that causes the pressure in a pipeline section to rise above its maximum allowable operating pressure plus twice the build-up allowed for operation of pressure-limiting or control devices.2. The term does not include a motor vehicle accident unless the motor vehicle accident causes damages that otherwise meet the requirements of this section to the premises, plant, instrumentality or facilities of a public utility.Nev. Admin. Code § 704.230
Pub. Service Comm'n, Gen. Order 19 Rules 102 & 103, eff. 6-9-77-NAC A by Pub. Utilities Comm'n by R084-10, 12-16-2010NRS 703.025, 704.190, 704.210