PG = Sales volumes of the gas utility, including an adjustment for projected shrinkage in the distribution system and the consumption of gas by an upstream pipeline company, used to calculate purchases necessary to support the given level of sales for the test period expressed in therms.
UG = The projected weighted average unit price that will be paid for gas during the period in which the rate will be in effect.
SG = Actual volumes of gas sold for the test period expressed in therms.
FG = Fixed costs associated with the purchase of gas for the period in which the rate will be in effect as may be enumerated in the accounts specified in paragraph (g) of subsection 2 of NAC 704.120.
VG = Variable transportation costs.
TG = Distribution system shrinkage costs paid by transportation customers.
BTER = (PG X UG) + FG + (VG - TG) / SG
PG = Sales volumes of the gas utility, including an adjustment for projected shrinkage in the distribution system and the consumption of gas by an upstream pipeline company, used to calculate purchases necessary to support the given level of sales for the test period expressed in therms.
UG = The weighted average of the latest experienced unit prices paid for gas during the test period.
SG = Actual volumes of gas sold for the test period expressed in therms.
FG = Annualized fixed costs associated with the purchase of gas for the test period as may be enumerated in the accounts specified in paragraph (g) of subsection 2 of NAC 704.120.
VG = Variable transportation costs.
TG = Distribution system shrinkage costs paid by transportation customers.
BTER = (PG X UG) + FG + (VG - TG) / SG
Nev. Admin. Code § 704.135
NRS 703.025, 704.110, 704.185, 704.210