- Section 692C.020 - Form for filing statement relating to acquisition or merger
- Section 692C.030 - Forms for filing registration statement
- Section 692C.035 - Filing registration statement or similar report on behalf of affiliated insurer; filing consolidated statement or report
- Section 692C.040 - Form for notice of intent to enter into transaction
- Section 692C.045 - Potential competitive impact of proposed merger or acquisition: Required notice and form
- Section 692C.050 - Additional information relating to acquisitions, mergers, registration and transactions
- Section 692C.055 - Form for filing annual report of enterprise risk; amendment to form if change in information; "principal of a registered insurer" interpreted
- Section 692C.060 - Agreement between registered insurer and affiliate for sharing cost of services or for management services
- Section 692C.070 - Authority to organize or acquire subsidiary