- Section 684A.200 - Requirements for completion of course of instruction
- Section 684A.205 - Approval of course of instruction and instructor: Required documents; grounds for denial; limitation on hours; approval of material change in content of course
- Section 684A.210 - Qualifications of instructor; limitations on instruction
- Section 684A.215 - Approval of correspondence, extension or self-study course of instruction
- Section 684A.220 - Required subject matter of course of instruction; hours of instruction
- Section 684A.230 - Sponsor of course of instruction: Maintenance of records; quarterly submission of certain information; provision of certificate of completion of course
- Section 684A.235 - Grounds for suspension or revocation of approval of course of instruction; audit to ensure compliance; reinstatement of approval
- Section 684A.240 - Submission of false or fraudulent certificate of completion grounds for refusal to issue, suspend or revoke license
- Section 684A.250 - Required forms