Section 677.400 - Waiver; confidentiality of reports; method for ascertaining amount of hypothecated certificates1. The Commissioner may waive filing any of the reports required by this chapter upon specific application of the licensee.2. All of the reports required by this chapter will be held in confidence between the Commissioner and the licensee.3. Each licensee shall establish and maintain a method for readily ascertaining the amount of its thrift certificates which have been hypothecated to it for loans to the owners of the certificates.Nev. Admin. Code § 677.400
Dep't of Commerce, Thrift Companies Reg. § 15 subsecs. 15.7-15.8, eff. 5-20-76; A 1-4-78; A and renumbered as § 14 subsecs. 14.7-14.9, 12-14-78-NAC A by Admstr. of Financial Institutions, eff. 6-29-84