- Section 652.280 - Duties of director: Health and safety; physical premises and environmental conditions
- Section 652.282 - Duties of director: Testing procedures and results
- Section 652.284 - Duties of director: Program for proficiency testing
- Section 652.286 - Duties of director: Personnel
- Section 652.290 - Repealed
- Section 652.291 - Laboratory safety guidelines: Adoption; required procedures; manufacturer's guidelines; training and evaluation of employees; notification to employees upon adoption
- Section 652.300 - Request or authorization for test; report of findings; required contents of request
- Section 652.310 - Record of accessions of specimens: Maintenance; content
- Section 652.320 - Inspections: Duties and authority of Division; submission of plan for correction of violations
- Section 652.325 - Violations: Severity levels
- Section 652.340 - Reports by laboratory: Contents; terminology; retention of copies
- Section 652.342 - Point-of-care testing device: Limitations on use
- Section 652.344 - Point-of-care testing device: Requirements for use
- Section 652.346 - Point-of-care testing device: Persons qualified to use
- Section 652.348 - Applicability of NAC 652.342, 652.344 and 652.346
- Section 652.350 - Personnel: General requirements
- Section 652.370 - Director: Availability and presence; prohibition against serving more than five laboratories; exception
- Section 652.380 - Director of licensed laboratory: Qualifications
- Section 652.383 - Director of licensed laboratory testing in oral pathology: Qualifications
- Section 652.385 - Director of licensed laboratory testing for pulmonary conditions: Qualifications
- Section 652.395 - Director of registered laboratory: Qualifications
- Section 652.397 - Director of exempt laboratory: Qualifications
- Section 652.398 - Director of HIV testing laboratory: Qualifications
- Section 652.400 - General supervisor of licensed laboratory: Duties
- Section 652.410 - General supervisor of licensed laboratory: Qualifications
- Section 652.420 - Clinical laboratory technologist: Activities and qualifications
- Section 652.425 - Cytotechnologist: Qualifications and activities
- Section 652.433 - Histotechnologist: Qualifications and activities
- Section 652.437 - Histologic technician: Qualifications and activities
- Section 652.440 - Medical technician: Activities and qualifications
- Section 652.443 - Blood-gas technologist: Qualifications and activities
- Section 652.447 - Blood-gas technician: Qualifications and activities
- Section 652.450 - Laboratory assistant; blood-gas assistant
- Section 652.452 - Pathologist's assistant: Qualifications and activities
- Section 652.453 - Pathologist's assistant: Responsibilities of supervising pathologist
- Section 652.454 - Point-of-care test analyst: Qualifications
- Section 652.455 - Continuing education: Prerequisites to renewal of license or certificate
- Section 652.461 - Continuing education: Prerequisites to reinstatement of inactive or delinquent license or certificate
- Section 652.465 - Continuing education: Proof of completion
- Section 652.470 - Certification of personnel
- Section 652.471 - Certification by endorsement for personnel
- Section 652.472 - Minimal requirements for new employees
- Section 652.474 - Activities of certified personnel
- Section 652.476 - Renewal of certification
- Section 652.478 - Technologists: Specialties; activities
- Section 652.480 - Technologists: Certification in specialty for which national examination is given; application for certification; designation on certificate
- Section 652.483 - Technologists: Certification in specialty for which national examination is not given
- Section 652.484 - Technicians: Specialties; activities
- Section 652.485 - Technicians: Certification in specialty; designation on certificate
- Section 652.4855 - Laboratory assistants: Certification; qualifications
- Section 652.486 - Provisional certification