- Section 645B.016 - Qualifications of applicant: Required experience
- Section 645B.0165 - Qualifications of applicant: Requirements for licensure pursuant to NRS 645B.020
- Section 645B.017 - Activity not constituting services as mortgage broker
- Section 645B.020 - Documentation required with application for license; conditional approval; effect of failure to respond to written request for information
- Section 645B.030 - Branch office: Prerequisites and name for issuance of license; display of license; responsibilities of mortgage broker; conditional approval; effect of failure to respond to written request for information
- Section 645B.031 - Corporate office: Filing of application with Office of Commissioner to fulfill requirements of S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act (Repealed)
- Section 645B.032 - Sharing office space with another business
- Section 645B.035 - Use of fictitious name
- Section 645B.037 - Use of same name, confusingly similar name or name not approved by Division
- Section 645B.0375 - Professional conduct
- Section 645B.038 - Insider loans: Limitations and conditions