General Provisions
- Section 644.046 - Use of license or certificate of registration
- Section 644.0463 - Certification of licensure
- Section 644.0464 - Limited licensure of person licensed in another state or territory or District of Columbia or licensed to practice another branch of cosmetology
- Section 644.0466 - Proof of name change
- Section 644.0469 - Translation of documents written in language other than English
- Section 644.0471 - Hours of training required for student enrolled at licensed school of cosmetology
- Section 644.0473 - Credit for incomplete hours in courses
- Section 644.0475 - Approval of course by Board; credit for completion
- Section 644.0476 - Instructors: Credit for advanced training; continuing education
- Section 644.0479 - Instructors: Application for provisional license
- Section 644.048 - Student instructors: Application for license