Section 640E.300 - Establishment; membership; meetings; authorized activities; duties1. The Dietitian Advisory Group is hereby established pursuant to NRS 640E.130.2. The Advisory Group consists of the following five members appointed by the Board: (a) Four licensed dietitians; and(b) One person who represents the general public.3. The term of each member of the Advisory Group is 4 years. A member may be reappointed.4. If a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Advisory Group, the Board will appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy.5. The Advisory Group shall meet at least once per year or as otherwise called by the Chair or at the direction of the Board or the Executive Officer.6. To the extent practicable and allowed by law, the Advisory Group shall conduct its meetings by telephone, videoconference or other electronic means.7. At its first meeting each year, the members of the Advisory Group shall select a Chair from among its members. The Chair serves as the liaison to the Board and the Executive Officer.8. The Executive Officer shall provide administrative assistance to the Advisory Group.9. A majority of the members of the Advisory Group constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. A member shall be deemed present at a meeting if the member is available to participate at the meeting by telephone, videoconference or other electronic means.10. The Advisory Group may: (a) Facilitate the development of materials which may be used to educate the public concerning the practice of dietetics;(b) Facilitate the exchange of information between dietitians, the Commission on Dietetic Registration or its successor organization, the Board and the Executive Officer; and(c) To provide recommendations to the Board and the Executive Officer concerning regulations or practices that affect licensees, review disciplinary actions, appeals, denials or revocations of licenses and terms of the suspension or reinstatement of licenses.11. The Advisory Group shall advise the Board and the Executive Officer on issues relating to dietetics if requested.Nev. Admin. Code § 640E.300
Added to NAC by Bd. of Health by R090-12, eff. 12-20-2012; A by R095-22A, eff. 12/29/2022