Section 640.490 - Advisory Committee on Continuing Education: Members; duties; quorum1. The Advisory Committee on Continuing Competence will be composed of the following members: (a) A member of the Board.(b) Not more than two members representing the northern district and not more than two members representing the southern district.2. The Board will attempt to ensure representation from a variety of areas of practice as volunteers are available.3. Each member of the Committee must be actively licensed as a physical therapist in this State for the duration of his or her appointment.4. The Committee shall: (a) Select a Chair and Vice Chair at the first meeting of the calendar year;(b) Recommend to the Board criteria for evaluating courses for continuing competence;(c) Evaluate a course based on the criteria approved by the Board, and recommend to the Board the number of continuing competence units to be awarded; and(d) Advise the Board on matters relating to continuing competence.5. A quorum of the Committee is a majority of the appointed members.Nev. Admin. Code § 640.490
Added to NAC by Bd. of Phys. Therapy Exam'rs, eff. 10-17-86; A 5-19-88; 11-19-92; A by R124-21A, eff. 12/17/2022