Section 638.600 - Vaccination clinics: General requirementsA vaccination clinic must:
1. Transport and store vaccines in a manner that ensures the efficacy of the vaccines;2. Provide refrigeration, cold storage or any other method of storage for a vaccine that is recommended by the manufacturer of the vaccine; and3. Contain the equipment, supplies and medications necessary for the treatment of anaphylaxis or any other reaction to a vaccine, including, without limitation: (c) Injectable corticosteroids and antihistamines;(d) Intravenous catheters and injectable fluids;(e) Endotracheal tubes of varying and appropriate diameters; and(f) Equipment for resuscitating animals.Nev. Admin. Code § 638.600
Added to NAC by Bd. of Veterinary Med. Exam'rs, eff. 7-7-94