Section 632.675 - Faculty: General requirements1. A program of nursing must have a competent and stable faculty. The majority of the members of the faculty must be full-time employees.2. Of the faculty who are hired after August 13, 2004:(a) At least 75 percent of the members must hold at least a master's degree with a major in nursing and have completed training which is related to the area of teaching of the member; and(b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the remainder of such members, if any, must hold at least:(1) A master's or doctoral degree with a major in nursing;(2) A bachelor's degree with a major in nursing and a master's or doctoral degree in a field related to nursing; or(3) A graduate degree from an accredited school of nursing as defined in NRS 632.011.3. The Executive Director of the Board may, for good cause shown, waive the requirements of paragraph (b) of subsection 2.4. The members of the faculty shall develop and evaluate the curriculum and the educational practices of the program.5. In courses relating to the care of patients, there must be at least 1 member of the faculty for every 12 students.6. A program of nursing that uses the personnel of a clinical facility as preceptors to instruct the clinical experience of students must require: (a) Each preceptor to have clinical expertise and to have demonstrated competence in the specialty of the students whom he or she will instruct;(b) Each preceptor to be approved by the faculty of the program of nursing;(c) The faculty of the program of nursing to provide to each preceptor an orientation concerning the roles and responsibilities of students, members of the faculty and preceptors; and(d) The faculty of the program of nursing to develop written objectives and provide a copy of those objectives to each preceptor, before the preceptor begins his or her instruction of the students.7. In addition to the requirements set forth in subsection 6, a program of nursing that uses the personnel of a clinical facility as preceptors to instruct the clinical experience of students:(a) Must ensure that each preceptor is assigned to instruct not more than two students at the same time;(b) Must designate a member of the faculty to serve as a liaison between the preceptor and each student who participates in the clinical experience;(c) Must require that each preceptor be present in the clinical facility and available to the students at all times when the students provide nursing services to patients; and(d) May use a preceptor to reinforce basic nursing skills or to teach nursing skills which build on the basic nursing skills that the students have acquired.8. There must be at least one qualified administrator for each department or division of the program.9. If a university or college offers a program of nursing for more than one level of preparation, there must be one person who is responsible for each such level.Nev. Admin. Code § 632.675
Added to NAC by Bd. of Nursing, eff. 9-17-90; A by R141-97, 1-26-98; R091-04, 8-13-2004; R196-07, 4-17-2008; R112-11, 2-15-2012; A by R035-23A, eff. 12/15/2023NRS 632.120, 632.430, 632.440, section 1 of Assembly Bill No. 401, chapter 42, Statutes of Nevada 2023, at page 193