- Section 632.890 - Unprofessional conduct
- Section 632.895 - Interpretations for purposes of disciplinary action
- Section 632.901 - Definitions
- Section 632.910 - Informal action for certain complaints and controversies; discovery of new evidence
- Section 632.915 - Executive Director's response to report of investigation; disciplinary action determined unnecessary; discovery of new evidence
- Section 632.916 - Complaint and notice of hearing on disciplinary matter; waiver of claim of improper notice
- Section 632.9165 - Complaint: Amendment; continuance; withdrawal
- Section 632.9175 - Consolidation of cases
- Section 632.918 - Hearings: Board not bound by strict rules of procedure; stenographic notes of oral proceedings; record of charges and evidence
- Section 632.9185 - Hearings: Applicability; deviations from provisions
- Section 632.919 - Legal representation of respondent; rules of conduct; attorney's fees
- Section 632.9195 - Withdrawal of attorney: Notice; denial of request
- Section 632.9205 - Hearing officer: Duties; authority
- Section 632.921 - Motions: Subject matter; service; written response
- Section 632.922 - Request for continuance of formal hearing
- Section 632.923 - Failure to appear
- Section 632.924 - Examination of witnesses
- Section 632.925 - Appearance by interested person
- Section 632.9255 - Procedure for hearing; transcript of proceedings; burden of proof
- Section 632.926 - Actions by Board; surrender of license
- Section 632.927 - Stay of order for revocation or suspension of license or certificate
- Section 632.928 - Request for reconsideration or rehearing
- Section 632.929 - Reissuance of license or certificate: Period during which licensee or certificate holder may not apply for reissuance; requirements for reissuance
- Section 632.930 - Reporting of disciplinary action or denial of application for license or certificate
- Section 632.935 - Advisory opinion, declaratory order or practice decision
- Section 632.938 - Issuance of citation for practicing or offering to practice nursing without license; administrative fine; appeal
- Section 632.940 - Violation of statutes or regulations