Section 631.240 - Complaints against licensees1. Any aggrieved person may file a complaint with the Board against a person who practices dentistry, dental hygiene, dental therapy or expanded function dental assistance in this State. The Board will prescribe the form for filing the complaint and make the form available on an Internet website maintained by the Board. The complaint must:(a) Be submitted on the form prescribed by the Board;(b) Unless the complaint is submitted anonymously, contain an attestation under oath by the complainant; (c) Provide evidence for each allegation; and(d) If the complainant is a patient, include authorization for the disclosure of the patient's health information to the Board and the use of that information in the investigation of and proceedings based on the complaint.2. Upon receiving a complaint from an aggrieved person pursuant to subsection 1, the Board will submit a copy of the complaint, which may have the personally identifiable information concerning the person who is the subject of the complaint redacted, to an attorney for the Board for a determination pursuant to section 2.3. A complainant may withdraw a complaint: (a) At any time before a screening consultant is retained to evaluate the complaint pursuant to section 4; or(b) With the permission of the Board, at any other time.Nev. Admin. Code § 631.240
Bd. of Dental Exam'rs, §XVII, eff. 7-21-82-NAC A 4-3-89; A by R073-22A, eff. 11/1/2024