Section 628.240 - Determination and allowance of credit1. For the purposes of continuing education, 50 minutes of instruction equals one credit of continuing education. Credit for continuing education may be earned in increments of less than one credit.2. Each semester hour of credit given for a college course equals 15 hours. A quarter hour of credit equals 10 hours.3. The amount of credit allowed for correspondence programs and formal programs for independent study or self-study, including taped programs, will be that amount which is recommended by the sponsor of the program. Applicants claiming credit for correspondence programs or formal programs for independent study or self-study must obtain evidence of satisfactory completion of the course from the sponsor of the program. Credit is allowed for the period of renewal in which the course is completed.4. The amount of credit for continuing education allowed for independent study will be the amount which is recommended by the sponsor of the program.5. The Board may allow credit for continuing education for the publication of an article or book written by a practitioner if: (a) A written evaluation of the article or book is prepared by a person designated by the Board and submitted to the Board for its review; and(b) After a review of the evaluation, the Board determines that the article or book contributes to the professional knowledge and competence of the practitioner.6. Applicants who have served as instructors, leaders of discussions or speakers at qualified programs may claim credit for continuing education for time spent on both preparation and presentation. Credit claimed for preparation may not exceed two times the number of hours of the presentation. Credit for teaching a course may not be claimed more than once in any consecutive 12 months without the prior approval of the Board. Approval will only be granted if the Board determines that the content of the course has been substantially altered during that period.Nev. Admin. Code § 628.240
Bd. of Accountancy, Art. 7 part §4, eff. 5-13-82-NAC A 2-6-87; 5-18-94; R075-03, 10-28-2003; A by R117-15, eff. 4/4/2016NRS 628.120, 628.200, 628.386