Nev. Admin. Code § 625.666

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 625.666 - Positional certainty: Horizontal and vertical components of certain land surveys
1. The requirements for positional certainty for the horizontal component of land boundary, topographic, control and geodetic surveys are as follows:

Type of Survey Positional Certainty
Meters U.S. Survey Feet
Land Boundary Surveys
High Urban........................................ ±0.02 m ±0.05 ft
Low Urban......................................... ±0.04 m ±0.15 ft
High Rural......................................... ±0.1 m ±0.3 ft
Low Rural.......................................... ±0.15 m ±0.5 ft
Control and Geodetic Surveys
Precise Measurement Studies............ ±0.001 m to ±0.01 m ±0.002 ft to ±0.03 ft
State Network.................................... ±0.02 m ±0.05 ft
County Network................................ ±0.04 m ±0.15 ft
Local Network................................... ±0.06 m ±0.2 ft
Photogrammetric Control.................. ±0.06 m to ±1 m ±0.2 ft to ±3 ft
Topographic Surveys
Engineering Design Surveys.............. ±0.01 m to ±0.1 m ±0.03 ft to ±0.3 ft
Planning Study Surveys..................... ±0.02 m to ±0.05 m ±0.05 ft to ±0.15 ft
Utilities Mapping............................... ±0.15 m ±0.5 ft
Feature Mapping................................ ±0.3 m ±1 ft
Resource Mapping............................. ±0.5 m to ±100 m ±1.5 ft to ±330 ft

2. The requirements for positional certainty for the vertical component of land boundary, control, geodetic and topographic surveys are as follows:

Type of Survey Positional Certainty
Meters U.S. Survey Feet
Land Boundary Surveys.................... ±0.05 m ±0.15 ft
Control and Geodetic Surveys Other Than Photogrammetric Control Surveys..................................... ±0.005 m to ±0.03 m ±0.02 ft to ±0.1 ft
Photogrammetric Control Surveys..................................... ±0.03 m to ±0.5 m ±0.1 ft to ±1.5 ft
Topographic Surveys......................... National Map Accuracy Standards

3. For the purposes of this section, the National Map Accuracy Standards, as they existed on November 14, 1997, are hereby adopted by reference. A copy of the National Map Accuracy Standards may be obtained from the United States Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, Virginia 20192, at no cost.

Nev. Admin. Code § 625.666

Added to NAC by Bd. of Professional Eng'rs & Land Surv., eff. 11-14-97

NRS 625.140, 625.250