Nev. Admin. Code § 625.630

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 625.630 - Advertising for or offering to perform engineering in discipline in which licensee or firm is not licensed
1. A licensee or firm shall not advertise for or offer to perform:
(a) Land surveying, if the licensee or a member of the firm has not been licensed to perform such work by the Board unless the licensee or firm has a full-time partner, associate, officer or employee licensed to practice land surveying; or
(b) Engineering in a discipline of professional engineering in which the licensee or a member of the firm has not been licensed by the Board, unless the licensee or firm has a full-time partner, associate, officer or employee licensed to practice in that discipline of engineering.
2. Licensees and firms shall not:
(a) Advertise for land surveying in violation of subsection 1 and thereafter seek to employ persons qualified to do the work only after the work has been obtained.
(b) Advertise for work in a discipline of engineering in which they are not licensed in violation of subsection 1 and thereafter seek to employ persons qualified to do the work only after the work has been obtained. Professional engineers and firms may solicit work only in those disciplines of engineering in which they are licensed.
3. As used in this section, "full-time employee" means a person who devotes his or her working time in the actual employ of the licensee or firm and not merely as a consultant.

Nev. Admin. Code § 625.630

Bd. of Reg'd Professional Eng'rs, § 625.630, eff. 8-16-78-NAC A 3-18-80; 12-9-86; A by Bd. of Reg'd Professional Eng'rs & Land Surv., 7-10-92; A by Bd. of Professional Eng'rs & Land Surv. by R077-09 & R078-09, 10-15-2010; A by R085-18A, eff. 1/30/2019
NRS 625.140