Nev. Admin. Code § 624.330

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 624.330 - Classification C-16: Finishing floors; subclassifications
1. The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of finishing floors. The Board designates such a license as a "classification C-16" license. A person who holds a classification C-16 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-16 license.
2. The subclassifications of the classification C-16 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:
(a) COVERING FLOORS (subclassification C-16a): The installation and application to floors of fabrics, carpet, polyurethane and other materials, excluding ceramic tile and marble, generally accepted by contractors as coatings or coverings used to finish floors, including the preparation of the floors for the finishing.
(b) FINISHING COUNTERS (subclassification C-16b): The finishing of the tops of counters by the installation or application of vinyl, plastic, aluminates and such other materials as are generally accepted by contractors for use on the tops of counters, excluding ceramic tile, marble and artificial or cultured marble.
(c) PLASTIC TILE AND WALLBOARD (subclassification C-16c): The cutting, forming, fitting and installing of such tile and board as are customarily used by contractors to cover surfaces for waterproofing or decoration within structures, including tile and products which are plastic, coated with plastic, or made of hardboard, fiberglass or other materials which are so accepted by contractors as appropriate for waterproofing and decoration.

Nev. Admin. Code § 624.330

Added to NAC by Contractors' Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 3-22-94; 4-22-94; Added to NAC by Contractors' Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 3-22-94; 4-22-94; R095-12, 6/23/2014

NRS 624.100, 624.220


The regulation of the State Contractors' Board filed with the Secretary of State on June 23, 2014 (LCB File No. R095-12), which amended this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

"Sec. 11. On June 23, 2014:

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2. A person who holds a subclassification C-16d or C-16e license issued pursuant to the provisions of former paragraph (d) or (e) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.330, as amended by section 6 of this regulation, shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-16a license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.330, as amended by section 6 of this regulation.

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